Monday, February 10, 2025

Catching up I guess

Been busy, so here's a summary of my activities since the fair, in reverse order. There have been some other mending jobs, and some other tatting. Some trips via train to see family.


beaded tatted lanyar
beaded lanyard (Kelly Slack wristband pattern)

Tatted 3 dimensional basket with handle and a button base
original button basket design

Beaded tatted strap with swivel latch on the end
beaded wristband (pattern by Kelly Slack from A Twisted Picot)

Loom knitted scarf in pogress, finished end has ribbed cuff and section of seed stitch before changing to garter stitch
My pocket scarf in progress (pattern by Loomahat)

3-dimensional tatted basket with handle, textured chains, and button base
A green and yellow basket (playing with Victorian Sets)

Tatted bracelet with large cube beads
Finally finished this bracelet

Tatted pendant with stone center, teardrop shaped
Finally put the jump ring on this pendant

Sock heel with visible darning stiches
darned a sock, and it's wearable

Textured sweater with small contrasting darns, a square, a web, and a flower
Some visible darning

Tatted heart
a heart pattern (from a Palmetto Tat Guild hybrid meeting, Jan 2025)

Knit tube with ends of a thin strip of cotton pulled through it
Loom knit scarf slide, on fabric strip as demonstration

Dorset button center of tatted star
Martha Ess's Dorset button star/flake

Tatted teapot with Dorset button center
Martha Ess's Dorset button teapot

Mason jar looking ornament with bits of thread
A year in thread pt1

Another view of same Mason jar looking ornament full of thread scraps
A year in thread (orts) pt2

Palm side of glove showing visible mending at base of thumb
Mended a glove

Side view of glove, showing visible mending on outside of thumb
Darning to keep the hole from developing

Loom knit tube
Scarf slide, loom knit ribbon yarn

6 vintage tatting shuttles plus a bone crochet hook
Look what I found at the craft resale shop!

Plaque recognizing the group Triangle Tatters for volunteering at Raleigh NC parks
Tri-Tatters got recognized for our demonstrations at Mordecai, etc

Dorset button with needle and thread still attached
Dorset button (linen thread)

Tatted drawstring bag with First Place ribbon attached, NC State Fair
Look Ma! A blue ribbon!

Tatted and beaded brooch with button center, attached to NC State Fair first place ribbon
Another blue ribbon!

3 Art Trading Cards in a sleeve, signs that 1 is missing, attached to 2nd place NC State Fair ribbon
The missing card was later found


My timing is now off

 I went to the fair yesterday. I saw my ribbons in person.

And I saw what beat my entries. Funny thing, I know both the people who made the entries who beat my framed tatting entry and at least I lost to worthy competition (not like the baby booties I entered a few years ago). 

I also found the hankie I meant to finish and enter this year. Guess I can now finish it and enter it next year. 

Spent some time talking to folks in the Village of Yesteryear, as usual. I don't get out to talk much while I'm working.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Judging is tomorrow (today)

I am composing this on Monday, but not publishing until Tuesday, after the judging. I doubt any of my readers (all 3 of you) are State Fair judges, but just in case. 

First, here's my Heritage Craft entry. It's a tatted reticule (style of purse) that's basically a bag with a drawstring. It's adapted from a vintage doily pattern. I used size 10 Lizbeth no. 182-spice cake.

I lucet braided the drawstring in dark brown crochet cotton and used the same thread for the single chain crochet to make the drawstring loops for the lining. The lining is satin (from a pillow case that died), and then, because I didn't feel like doing a French seam, I lined the lining with a sturdy poly-suede. I sewed the crochet chain between the layers of lining in loops. The drawstring is what's holding the outer tatting and the lining together.

Tatted bag, open, with a drawstring. Pale lining contrasts with dark variegated tatting.

Tatted bag, drawn closed with a drawstring. Pale lining contrasts with dark variegated tatting.

Tatted bag, open on its side to see the interior, with a drawstring. Pale lining contrasts with dark variegated tatting and dark fabric lines the inside..
Here's the only tatting category entry; Nonthreaded Needlework, Framed. It's Debbie Arnold's spiral heart pattern in Lizbeth white and metallic gold. I got the frame at a thrift shop.
For the first time, I entered the Art Trading Card category. Luckily, my partner had the sheet. Otherwise, I'd have had to buy a pack of 30 or a 100 sheets. I used a mixture of collage and tatting.
I used the same spiral heart for the Ornament category. I add the beads (both the white and the faceted) to the pattern and bent the hanger hook from an i-pin, after threading more beads on it.
In Mixed Media Jewelry, I entered this brooch. It's a 1941 pattern, Carnation Boutonniere in New Things Happen to Tatting, Book 159 (The Spool Cotton Company, 1941) found on Internet Archive. Inspired by Carolyn (one of our Tri-Tatters), I also used beads and added a button to the center.
I took my car to be inspected early Saturday, but alas, it would not pass without some work being done. And the part needed was not on site so they had to order it. They estimated it would take about 2 hours for it arrive. It took just over an hour, but then they had to squeeze my job in between other jobs and all told, I was there about 3 hours. So I decided to get lunch and run an errand. 

I went home to attach the tags to all my entries and didn't leave until about 3 pm. I didn't check the NC State Football schedule. I arrived just before tip off. AKA lots of traffic and detours. I also got to sit through a light cycle as I watched 24 police cars, with lights and sirens, 1 roadside assistance vehicle, and a motorcycle cop go through the intersection. 

Still got done dropping off my entries (all 5!) and home in good time. 

Had gaming on Sunday, that's why I didn't just wait until Sunday to deliver my entries. Our GM is no longer living in this area so we rely on technology. Which was not cooperating. But we still got through the expected encounter, plus. We nerfed the 1st encounter thanks to identifying what we were fighting and having an effective counter to their strongest (and most time consuming to counter) attack. Then someone had the right spell to counter their strongest defense and that's all she wrote.

So we had another encounter, although we had to handwave the last foe due to timing. It just the one and we were in good enough shape to take it out, with a minimum of consumables used and without any of use being too seriously hurt (player with the healer is really good).

I have also started a pattern that I am going to submit to teach at the next Tat Days. I thought it might be too similar to one of Karey Solomon's but I checked with her and she said it isn't.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Shhh, it's a secret

 Okay, not really a secret. But I try not to post my finished State Fair entries until after the judging, so you won't see them until next week. 

However, I do have 3/5 done. I would like a display card for 2 of them, but other than that the ornament and the mixed media jewelry pieces are done. The heritage craft one is done and it turned out to be multicraft (tatting, sewing, lucet braiding, and I even crocheted a chain). 

My frame piece is mostly done. I've finished the tatting, but I still need to frame it. I cleaned the glass yesterday. I also need to get back fabric and cut it to size.

My last entry is about half done (2 of the 4 art trading cards). But it also needs a sleeve, and I plan to get that on Saturday (the same day I turn them in). 

Saturday, we had our local tatters meeting. 5 of us in all made it, including one person who is learning. One of our members (who sadly hasn't been able to attend meetings recently), had gotten someone's destash of craft supplies. There was 1 good-sized box of needlepoint kits (including a couple purses), plus 6 boxes (think boot boxes) of other supplies, including one that had 3 c. 1967 student knitting manuals. I think the original owner taught knitting. They were also very organized as all the boxes were labeled. 

Turns out that one of the balls of size 10 was the perfect color to make the drawstring for my reticule. I could have used the ecru I had on hand, but this was perfect. Nothing to buy, I just used what I had already plus that one ball of gifted thread.

Carolyn brought 2 new books she bought. The bookmark book by Robin Perfetti is gorgeous. I'm going to have to get it at some point. Gretchen showed off this pretty wreath ornament she made. She said it's a free pattern online, and I'm going to have to find it.

Tatting book: Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks by Robin Perfetti

Tatted wreath in ecru with vertical rows of beads in alternating red and green

Oh, and here's my year in thread ornament. I have some threads to add to it but this is mostly it.

clear "mason jar" with lid on the bottom and ornament hanger on top, 3/4 filled with assorted orts

Oh and on the way home from the meeting, I saw 2 deer grazing on the size of the ~8 lane highway. Luckily, they decided to stay on the shoulder.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Has it really been 2 weeks?


I volunteered at a charity golf tournament. And I saw a heron.


Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina.

I finished tatting the carnation.

Another of my aunts died (this morning). 

I tatted an ornament for competition. 

Went to Greensboro to celebrate my Dad's birthday (belatedly). 

I volunteered to be a pirate on Talk Like a Pirate Day at the Emergency Preparedness Event (to attract attention and hand out cards with a link on emergency planning website). That's professional make up by the way, marred by wearing glasses as I ate lunch.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Progress and Plans

 Tri-Tatters met today. Only 4 of us made it, but we had some visitors stop by. I made progress on the carnation boutonniere.


Ruffled tatted with center ring surrounded by 2 rounds of rings and chains. The chains have beads.
carnation boutonniere in progress

I got my Covid and flu vaccines on Wednesday. 12 hours later my body reacted, "We've been invaded!" I went to bed with a fever. By the time I woke up, the fever was broken, but I was exhausted. I took off from work (yay, sick days) and slept for 6-7 hours (with a break in the middle to think about lunch). I skipped gaming because I was still not up to par. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Tatting Progress and Other Matters

 I finally finished my lattice edging (except for clean up). And as I held it up, preparing to pin it to my bag before sewing it down, I learned I had made a moebius edging. I had somehow twisted it while joining the end to beginning. I had top open 2 rings, retrotat one completely, retrotat a chain (but only a few ds long), and partially retrotat the next to last ring. But I redid the join I messed up and now it's on to clean up and sewing. 

insertion edging draped down canvas tote with pattern visible, "Lattice edging"
Lattice edging, needing clean up

I started the carnation brooch, but I can't remember if I meant to put beads on the rings or not. I estimate I have more the 300 beads, but that's for 3 rounds of chains. I loaded the beads last year, I think but didn't get started tatting until, well, this weekend.

Tatted ring with a round of rings and chains started. Rings have 2 free picots and chains alternate picot, bead, picot, bead, & picot.
Carnation boutonniere started

I made a couple more art trading cards. I used collage and mixed media (aka tatting) and used some cardstock as a base. 

Art trading card with trees, tatted flower, tatted butterfly, and the word 'breathe' written
art trading card

 I started drinking diet drinks when Coke had a vanilla Coca-cola. However, while I loved the flavor, it was too sweet, while the diet version dialed down the sweetness to my preference. When they stopped making diet Vanilla Coke, I turned to other diet drinks because my tastebuds had shifted and most sodas were too sweet. Mostly I drink Cheerwine Zero when I can get it. When I run out of my stash (I have to bootleg from a couple counties over because our local bottler doesn't carry the 16 or 20 oz bottles), I usually turn to diet Dr. Pepper. Except, I have observed that the diet Dr. Pepper really sparks my appetite. I feel like I'm starving. And it's just that one. Diet Pepsi, Diet Coke, Diet Mountain Dew, etc do not do this to me. 

F, one of my friends from high school is back in the area visiting family. We try to meet up at least once and we had lunch together on Saturday. Due to some very odd traffic, I was half an hour late, but we sat and talked for 3 hours. 

I was supposed to go see my parents, but there was a festival taking over the downtown area, including the train station parking lot. My dad decided he didn't want to fight with that traffic, so we postponed. I wrote Mom a letter instead.

I need to think about what I'm entering at the fair this year. I often use my Palmetto Tat Day projects, but I'm not sure about doing that this year.


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

A week after Tat Days

 As usual, Tat Days was a blast. My class Thursday night went pretty well (multiple people finished their version of Solar Flare). I repeated that I didn't care if they didn't do it the exact way I did, the pattern is flexible and as long as they were happy with it, then it's a success. 

But one tatter gave me such a compliment. She finished her Solar Flare on a jump ring, and said she's going to use it as the snowflake in her Christmas cards this year. 

Ridgecrest was nice but very confusing. We had a map of the conference center and we had maps of the individual buildings, but we didn't have maps showing us how buildings connected. For example, you could walk entirely around the dining building from the building with Tat Days to get to the building with our rooms, or you could go through a door at a dead end hall, go up half a flight of stairs, and be on the 2nd floor of the rooms. 

Paper map of Ridgecrest contion center


The scenery and weather were gorgeous. Saturday morning I even saw my breath (after the extreme heat this past summer, that was a blessing). 

For the first time, the webmistress of SomethingUnderTheBed was able to attend. I think she was a little surprised by her popularity. 

I wanted to take at least some of Randy's classes, but you can never take all the classes you want to take. I bought his latest book and Anitra took all of his classes, so she can help me.

I wasn't entirely certain about Bev Corder's Art Trading Card class. I was definitely intrigued but I wasn't certain how my end result was going to be, and if I would be happy with it. By the end of class, I had finished 4 cards and was thinking about more. Here are my cards.

Small card with tatted flowers and a quote card "Art is not just a painting" and handwritten "a garden is art made of flowers."
Flower Garden Art Trading Card

Small card with tatted leaves and handwritten 'don't leaf me alone'
Leaf Art Trading Card

Small card with rounded corners, tatted half-circle motifs in upper corners and a metallic tatted snowflake a the bottom. A quote card in the middle "Objects with stories to tell become Art."
Art Object Trading Card

Small card with tatted edging of flowers on the bottom edge and a quote card "Art is the essence of beauty."
Essence of Art Trading Card

  I also like my Posies for Nina class (Karey Solomon) and I got a second kit so I can do it again. Then I'll probably make my own 'kits' to make some more in different colors. 

5 petal tatted flower with beaded tatted chain petals, that look striped. Center is a glass 'stone'.
Posies for Nina pendant

 I need to tat Jane Eborall's This Way and That Way Snowflake again. I'm not happy with my block tatting. She was showing another way to do it and my lines of tatting are kind of uneven.

6 pointed tatted flake with block tatting forming the points, on top of the pattern showing title and example picture
block tatted snowflake

On the other hand, I'm very happy with my flower(s) from Heidi Nakayama's class. They're going to be earrings. I have 2 flowers done, but they don't quite match (one is dark purple and the other is Elderberry Jam, an ombre purple). 

Two five-petaled flowers with solid petals (block tatting). One has a contrasting single ring 'flower center' resting on it.
WIP earrings

 Sharren Morgan's Lattice Edging is pretty easy. She also provided variations and a couple corner treatments in her pattern. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but I realized it was perfect to trim the tote bag we got. I'm almost done, but I've said that for 2 days. 

Tatted inserted edging with alternating rings in 2 sizes, laid near the top of a tote bag
Lattice edging

2024 Palmetto Tat Days tote bag with logo, ABC Tatting is About Being Creative
Palmetto Tat Days 2024 tote
I bought 2 stickers and put them on my journal. I should take pictures of my goodie bag and my purchases.  

Cup with the words "Tatting, Chocolate, Repeat" on it
Tatting advice sticker

"Tatting Lace is my Superpower" round sticker
My Superpower sticker, on my journal

The drive wasn't very long, even with the detour to get Martha, but I had to stop and get a 5-hour energy drink. Luckily, I only drink them about 4 times a year (maybe only 2), so I'm not greatly concerned with their effects. When caffeinated drinks alone are not enough, and I'm driving some distance, then I partake. Luckily, they also taste nasty, so I'm not tempted.

Have you ever heard of Yaupon Holly? It's a holly native to the SE part of North America. It's also related to yerba mate and it's a caffeine source. I bought some tea from a company in Wilmington, North Carolina. I got a variety similar to black tea, and it's tasty. To me it tastes more herbal than traditional teas.

They had muscadine grapes in the store the other day. I couldn't resist, so I bought some. I shared them with my co-workers and finished them off myself. They're tasty, but a little messy.