And half-price candy day was a disappointment. The shelves were so bare.
I went to see Mom. She fell out of bed and broke her arm. Her right arm again, but this time it wasn't her elbow. And she's somewhere they'll handle her food, and PT, and pain meds. I bought her a wedge pillow. She could use one of those stand up recliners, but something would have to come out of her apartment and I can't do that on my own. The wedge pillow, I could do.
The weather was lousy, heavy rain at times. But at least I made there and back safely. We didn't do much. We mostly sat around. I got her dvd player to work again and put in a copy of Last of the Summer Wine. She loves that show and even if it's an episode she remembers, she enjoys it.
I submitted my teacher application to Palmetto Tat Days (thank you, TotusMel). We'll see if it's one they will use or not.
I did more tatting for quilt squares.
The pink squares I made earlier have gone AWOL. I've made more but I need to get them in the mail.
I wanted an instant gratification knitting project, so I made a little bag. It's got a texture; garter zigzag, but the thread colors completely hide it. Ah well.
The weather is really warm; I didn't bother with a jacket today. And yesterday was so foggy, I turned wrong on the way to my park and ride.
And I have to say something about Parkland, FL. If I am shot, please feel free to politicize my death for gun control (let CDC study gun violence, mandatory waiting periods, history of domestic violence being a bar to gun purchases, etc).
And remember these kids who are survivors are the same age the kids from Sandy Hook would be if they'd survived. And they'll be old enough to vote soon.
Autumn Breeze was sick so we skipped our usual date. We had it last night instead. It was lovely.