Sunday, August 11, 2024

Finally! Zipline photo

 First, story time.

There was a tatter in our group, an older lady. She learned tatting with us and it wasn't easy for her because her hands shook (I don't know why and she didn't confide in me). And she made a stole for her pastor. She tatted crosses, end to end, and then sewed this stole and sewed the crosses to it. We helped with some ideas but she did all the work. 

Once she was done, we encouraged her to enter it in competition at the fair. She was reluctant because she didn't feel her work was all that good, shaking hands, etc. She was awarded a well-deserved blue ribbon, in a competition that doesn't hand out ribbons if there are no entries worthy of a ribbon no matter how many entries there are. Her pastor was thrilled with the stole, as well. 

If you ever think, "Oh, I'm too old to start this" just remember her. 

Middle aged, large, white woman wearing a helmet over a ball cap, in harness, clutching the safety line, in midair
As promised, me, on a zipline (photographer was on the ground)

I've been tatting pen clip bookthongs. I've using size 20 and size 40, and making some long enough for paperbacks and some for trade paperbacks (possibly long enough for hardbacks).


Tatted lock chain, attached to a pen clip, with tassel

Debby came through. Flooding concerns but thanks to the lack of high winds in our area, we only lost a few trees. One was a Southern sugar maple at Mordecai Historic Park in Raleigh. 

Fallen tree across open area with more trees in background
fallen tree, looks like tree roots broke

number of southern clam shell fungus on fallen tree trunk
southern clam shell mushrooms on the fallen; you can see the growth rings on the closest one

 It's funny. Mordecai is only about five minutes from the library where we used to meet, it's easier to get parking (no competing with the shopping center crowd) but fewer of our tatters make it to the meetings.

 Anitra and I bought of load of tatting supplies from FB marketplace. It arrived a couple weeks ago, but she's been too tired to look through it. We went through it after the Tri-Tatters meeting. It took us two hours to go through it, sort it, and to list the contents in a spreadsheet.

box of thread, tatting shuttles, a tin, and tatting needles
Box upon opening
A box with 2 tins and plastic bags full of thread
After sorting everything and grouping like items together