Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving and other stuff

For US-type people, Thursday is Thanksgiving. I have noted which stores will be open on Thursday, because I will NOT be shopping at any of them this holiday season. This is a bit hypocritical of me because I am going out to eat on Thursday. I am thankful for the staff who are making my meal possible.

Last Thursday, I had a 'fun' migraine; my head did not really hurt but I suddenly lost half my field of vision. Thankfully (there's that word again), Excedrine migraine took care of which. I am especially thankful because I was out to eat before gaming and driving with half your field of vision gone seems like a really bad idea.

I went to see Mom this past weekend. I saw something shocking; I saw gas for less than $2/gallon. I'll pause while you recover from the shock. We did a little shopping (I needed some electrical tape) but mostly we worked on organizing her yarn stash. Considering she mostly 'inherits' yarn, her stash is quite large.

Here's something cool; a huge archive of American (US I think) folk and blues music available online for free. Here's the story about it.

I had a dental appointment on Monday, so the only tatting I've really done are the little 1-ring, 5 -picot flowers. Strings of them. My mouth is still a trifle sore.

flowers, late blooming


sunset and autumn leaves

just outside my office

On Friday, as I was walking home in the dark, I managed to miss the sidewalk. It was on a downslope and not only did I fall down, my shoulder/teardrop purse tried to flip over my head. My hair got caught, but luckily I was with someone and she untangled my hair so I could move. I scraped up my knee and my iPad popped right out of the hardshell/keyboard case. On the bright side, it fell on my notebook and only cracked one corner of the screen. I didn't rip my pants either. I'm still a tiny bit sore, though.

And in other news, I've broken 21000 words in my Nanowrimo. But writing meetings are hard.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tragedy and Hope

We played Pathfinder, Wardens of the Reborn Forge, on Saturday. We started late, because we talked about the Paris events (one of the players has a sibling in Paris and he was late as he checked on the sibling's safety). That lead to discussions about 9/11. Of course, that really depressed me, because it makes me so sad.

It was soon after that, I heard about the incident in Beirut and the heroism of Adel Termos. I mourn with his family over his loss, but rejoice over the people he saved.

And here's some info to keep in mind whenever there's a major news event.

I'm almost at 19000 words for NaNoWriMo and I've tatted another bracelet (variegated purple with pink and purple seed beads). I attempted a new earring pattern but all I got was a hot (beaded) mess.

Last night was my date with Autumn Breeze. She was sick on our usual Tuesday and had another commitment last week. We met at our usual diner and then went to see the bartender at the sports bar we used to go to regularly.

Friday, November 13, 2015

15000 words+

Yes, I'm behind. Yes, NaNoWriMo is still eating my brain. Plus I had the spreadsheet from hell this past week at work. It wasn't not a truly difficult spreadsheet, just data entry. But I had to find the correct reports (new system) to get the information and even then it took two help tickets to find out why some of the data was not there.

Tri-Tatters meeting was Saturday. ~19 tatters there, including 5-6 who were either new or re-learning how to tat. Pretty cool. I've made one bracelet and one more would be done, but the thread shredded. I'll be helping monsterunderthebed with the scans of Tatting Times. Whee!

Playing pathfinder tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

RG got a job! About 2 weeks after her severance ended, so the timing was pretty good. Not great, but pretty good.

Have a picture from Neko Atsume, a tablet game I've been playing. They finally made a version in English. Too late, I've already renamed all the cats I've found so far.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015


Guess what I'm trying to do? It's NaNoWriMo time again. I'm behind in my wordcount already. I'm only at 2900 words, when I'm supposed to be at 1800x3 (3rd day of November, 1800 words per day). I have done the prologue, chapter one, and started chapter two.

I won't be writing much of a blog this month. Sorry (not sorry).

Halloween we had 9 trick or treaters come by. Not bad for our neighborhood.

Oh, to console you regarding the lack of post, here's something from The Bloggess. Do not read while eating, drinking, or while in public.