Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tatting and Pathfinder

 Saturday was the Triangle Tatters' meeting. My friend wasn't available so I went alone. I brought my books to show off and worked on my beanile necklace. I also found the size 10 thread I was using for my bottle holder. I had a great time and there were a total of 10 of us at the meeting.

Sunday was the Pathfinder game. There were some scheduling conflicts, so we had a short day; only 2 pm to 6 pm (well, by the time we were packed up, it was about 7 pm) and then went out to supper. I handled the tactics pretty well this time and really challenged them.

My two new students started on Monday. I finally have someone to cover my lunch hour and my meetings. Which is good since I had a 2+ hour meeting today.

Need to know about a movie before you shell out for a ticket or DVD or whatever? Here's a collection of review sites.
One: if you or someone you know has problems with certain themes or content (ie blood and gore are fine as long as no kids or animals are hurt, or No explosions, period), this tumblr site is working on a list to let you know before you view.
Two: How accurate is that outfit? Frock Flicks lets you know.
Three: aggregate of professional critics review movies on Rotten Tomatoes and they have a separate audience score
Four: general audience (ie whoever wants to) reviews on the internet movie database.
okra blossom

some kind of bean


muscadine grapes

display at library

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