Monday, February 13, 2023

Tatters and Gamers

 Jane Eborall's Tat It And See is almost complete. At the Palmetto Tatters Guild meeting (live and via Zoom) Saturday, she mentioned part 13 on Sunday and then one more. 

Sunday was our Pathfinder game. We had to suddenly relocate when we learned the daughter of our host has a stomach bug. We decided not risk exposure and we played elsewhere and that player joined us via Zoom, along with our out of state player. 

Story time: Our characters have been hired to put a stop to the kobold raids on the village. Our employer doesn't care how, just that the raids are stopped. We met the lookouts and tried negotiations. That didn't go well. We pretty had to slaughter our way into the mines/caves. 

We finally found one who would talk to us and it turned out she had run afoul of the chief. She wanted to leave the village alone and the chief (possibly egged on by another party) wanted to continue to raid. She was able to guide us so we could avoid non-hostiles and needless combat; like the dire rat lair and the hatching room. 

That meant we had the resources to deal with the evil cleric, although we were willing to talk until we got a taste of how evil and found out who she worshiped. 

Then we had to fight the chief and minions, although we talked one into fleeing and not getting involved. The chief was a sorcerer and it was not an easy fight. He didn't do a lot of damage but he had a lot of defensive stuff. 

We made our ally the new chief, mostly by giving her the chief's keys which included the one for the armory. She wasn't going to be raiding the village as long as they respected the kobold boundaries. We also suggested some items she might trade, so they could get bread, etc.

End of gaming story

Finally last week, someone at work noticed my hair cut. My hair went from coccyx length to a bit below my shoulder blades. So still long, but short enough I frequently wear it loose. The only reason said coworker noticed? I had my back to her and she didn't recognize the shorter hair. It's possible other coworkers have noticed, but none of them have said anything.

And I got my acknowledgement email from Locks of Love. I'm not sure how many more donations I'll be able to make that will go into their wigs. My hair is going white in places and while I know they can't use that for children's wigs, at least they can sell it to fund wigs.

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