Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Projects etc

 I had to drive to Greensboro to take care of something for my mom. It emphasized my desire to take the train instead. But the matter is handled and Mom was happy to see me.

I also gave her a recent picture of me and one of me in my Halloween outfit. That was lovely. It seems awfully self-centered to give her photos of myself, but she seems to like that.

I have finished the embroidery on the Kiriki Press squirrel doll. Next step is to sew the back to the front, cut it out, and stuff it. 

Printed squirrel with embroidery added on tail, acorn, delineated limbs, etc

Progress also continues on the bun cover in Lizbeth spice cake. I am doing a better job with the front side/back side tatting.

WIP tatted bun cover, up to round 4

The Online Tatting Class founded by Georgia Seitz is doing ANKARs right now. Which I don't really have an interest in doing. It's pretty enough and I've seen some truly striking pieces, it just doesn't blow my skirt up (as my mom used to say).

I have an idea for a story. I've written maybe a page and a half. It's a 'former Chosen One' story. I also heard about one with a similar idea. Except in that one kid who's been raised as 'The Chosen One to Take Down This Tyrant' is left with no future when someone else gets rid of the tyrant. Unfortunately, I don't have a title.

I've also started a scarf. Hopefully, it will be a pocketed scarf. I'm using Loomhat's instructions.

Scarf in progress, in chunky thread from a knitting loom, Caron chunky color, showing 3 different stitches

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