Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Another Wonderful Weekend

It was a busy weekend, too. First, we had the "Yay, David Didn't Lose His Eyesight" movie marathon. We watched Support Your Local Sheriff, The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors and The Two Doctors. The last three were Doctor Who specials.

Sunday was Rosemary's game followed by going out for Indian food to celebrate the May birthdays.

Monday was a Pathfinder game followed up by a cookout. We spent literally hours, sitting around and talking. I haven't done that in ages.


Kelly said...

Oh, it's been years since I've seen "Support your local Sheriff" I remember loving that movie. The only older Doctor Who I can find at my library is the very first series with the Original Doctor.

Sewicked said...

Support Your Local Gunfighter wasn't quite as good. The old Doctor Who stuff was available through Netflix.