Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I hate colds

I woke up yesterday with indications of sinus drainage. I went to work anyway, but got worse as the day progressed. I felt even worse this morning, and since I'd like to enjoy Christmas, I took the day off.  I spent it on the couch, napping, watching tv, etc. I didn't even have the concentration to finish re-reading a novel.

I had my co-workers' presents, too. I guess I'll take them with me to work on Monday. Better late than never.

Have some nature photos:
Pretty sky

I'm not sure where this squirrel is going, but it's quite intent

vintage tin

What's inside the tin
just kind of creepy
December blooming flowers

print, cut, and fold (& glue) paper box

CH gave me the tin of her grandmother's tatting supplies. Wasn't that sweet of her?

Saturday was the tatting meeting and I showed it off.

RG's dog died on Sunday. He was 15, and had been ill for quite some time. She took steps to keep his quality of life up, with tasty foods, etc. He was loved and we will miss him.

I cancelled my platelet donation tomorrow. I should not be donating when I feel like this. And since I got sick, I didn't get my Christmas cards out either.

Sorry this post is so incoherent. I realized I missed last week and wanted something out.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Where did the weekend go?


Most of Saturday was the Pathfinder game. We did some housekeeping (how much money do we have? What loot are we keeping and who has it) and then continued to explore the structure. We started at the top, so we're working out way down. We had two fights, one of which had a funny incident. If a magic beast has grabbed someone, then both are on the lip of a spiked pit, and the person who has been grabbed misses their save not to fall into the pit, what happens? CD decided to work it as a bullrush variant. Instead of my CMB, he used my character's weight, with gear, to see if both my bard and the foe would be dragged down into the spiked pit. That beastie was strong, and played a quick game of 'dangle the bard.' Then the oracle/paladin teleported my character away and she was safe to cast spells at the beasties from a distance.

Then RW and his family had a Christmas party to attend, so we wrapped up early. MC had to go home to let his dog out and the rest of us went out to supper. We went to our favorite Mexican place in Raleigh. CD and RG used to eat there once a week. Now that RG is working somewhere else, CD goes by himself.

Sunday, it was do some tidying around the house, CD did some laundry, and we played Lord of the Rings Online and caught up on our tv. We're down to about 3 shows on the DVR right now, less than 10%. I need to watch one show on-demand, I'm behind on that one. We're caught up on everything else. We watched a few movies we had recorded, too. We saw Jumper, Super Troopers, and then American Ultra on Netflix.


  • Jumper wasn't bad. It's in media res,which is fine, but it never got resolved. We got a glimpse of the history of jumpers and the people who hunt them, and a hint about why they're hunted. But only a glimpse.
  • Super Troopers is kind of stupid and funny, but not 'only 13 years old will laugh at this' funny. And the cast is not 100% white people. It's still absurdly low on the number of women in the cast, but hey, Lynda Carter has a cameo as the governor of Vermont.
  • American Ultra was a little better than I expected. It's not an 'omg, you must see this movie' but it's pretty good. There are not very many women in speaking roles, and it wouldn't pass the Beschdel 'test.' But the women are really awesome. 


And CD and I talked about how you could play a character like Mike Howell in an tabletop rpg. It would be a little easier in a flexible system. In Champions for example, you could have a variable skill pool. Need a skill? Bam, you know it.

He came up with a way to do it in D&D (3.0 or 3.5) and Pathfinder. In that one, you have an 11th level character. You write up the 1st level, as a commoner or expert or something. You have, call it, d8 hp for 11 levels. The rest is a mystery. The player would have to know the system pretty well, though. Because they'd have to know what's possible. IE, player goes, "I want to cast Magic Missile." The GM responds, "How many?" The answer determines who many levels of spellcaster you have (1 magic missile means 1st level for example). The player notes down how many levels of that class.

Skills, you can fill in up to 11 on any skill. Know a language, put a point in linguistics. Keep track of how many you spent on what, because as you get classes, that will determine skill points.

Your stats would start at all 10, and you'd spend to buy them up as events occurred. So for that level of sorcerer you gained when you realized you could cast Magic Missile, you have Charisma 11. After you spent all those points you still have 2 stat bumps (4th & 8th level).

Oh, you want to cast Fireball? That's a 3rd level spell, 5th level caster. What class, sorcerer, wizard? Boost the appropriate stat up to 13. How does that affect the skills you've bought? The number of skill points you have so far?

I'd like to take a look and see how it would work in Fate, too. Fate is pretty flexible after all.

We went to the Italian restaurant near us for supper. Their lobster ravioli isn't quite as good as Casa san Carlo but it does have the option of adding shrimp. CD baffled the waitress. They have a tasty chocolate dessert that has a base layer of cheesecake. He asked, 'what kind of cheesecake, New York, Italian, or (some 3rd kind I missed)?' She had to go ask to find out.


I can't find my green thread for a certain present, but I did find red, white, and green thread. Think I'll be using that one. Jane has posted the intro for the next TIAS. Yay!


Have an interesting article on the future of self-driving cars. corrected article link: https://www.lifewire.com/waymo-self-driving-cars-4171314

Here's an article about recent grave digs revealing information which calls into question earlier conclusions about gender roles.

And scientists in Japan have a process to make glass about as strong as steel. And they hope to have it commercialized in 5 years. 


Found a 'paper toys' website, and here's a box; print, cut, and fold
from http://www.thetoymaker.com/2Toys.html
roses are still blooming

Blood Donation

I volunteered at the half-day blood drive. I was in the canteen so I was 2+ hours walking around and standing. This is after I had to run to catch the bus this morning. Once I finished my volunteer stint, I grabbed some food and then off to donate. It took longer than I expected, even with the rapid pass.

Rapid pass is a new thing. You go on-line the day of donation to read the material and fill out the questionnaire ahead of time. You print out the report or email it to yourself. They scan it as part of the pre-donation process, but it saves time.

She had to test my blood twice to see if my iron levels were high enough to donate. I barely made it. But I had plenty of water and the donation itself went pretty quickly. Back to the canteen to grab some food and then back to work.

My knees do hurt tonight. All for a good cause, though. And tomorrow is the garden committee meeting, so I get to leave early.

Friday, December 04, 2015

Long week was long

Okay, really it was normal length, but after last week's short work week, it felt long.

I had my monthly date with Autumn Breeze on Tuesday. I'm so glad we started doing that. It keeps us in contact the way phone calls, letters, and emails don't.

Oh, here's an interesting band (links to YouTube videos) a friend recommended, Veronica Veronico. Makes me wish I wasn't so close to monolingual.

Saturday is back to the mines, as we resume our Wardens of Reborn Forge game. Or actually, we're leaving the mines as we seek the source of the mystery.

I made another bracelet; shades of purple with dark green beads. I don't have a picture of it yet. I may use it as a gift. Or, I'll make another one, same thread with those silvery gold beads. Chrissie loved the bead petal earrings with matching bookmark. They turned out really nicely, but the photos I have are not good. She promised to take a better photo for me. The heart is adapted by one from Be-Stitched newsletter. I used fewer picots on the clovers and added beads to the chain picots.
both ends of the bookmark, used lockchain for the middle
bead petal earring (pattern by Karey Solomon
in process (using a drill at this point)
Tuesday evening as I was leaving work, I saw this. They were doing a menorah lighting ceremony. They were making the menorah.
ice menorah, in progress

Alas, it rained overnight, blurring the details
What light pollution? (fog reflecting lights)

fog amidst the trees

 Sunday was the Tri-Tatters' meeting. It was the only day in November we could get the meeting room. We had someone relearning to needletat. Thank goodness, our most skilled needletatter was there to help her. Somethingunderthebed brought her latest find; 100 year old women's magazines. She's working hard at scanning them to add to her page.
fun with colored lights (I took a whole series)

Update: one last photo, new tablet game: Monument Valley

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving and other stuff

For US-type people, Thursday is Thanksgiving. I have noted which stores will be open on Thursday, because I will NOT be shopping at any of them this holiday season. This is a bit hypocritical of me because I am going out to eat on Thursday. I am thankful for the staff who are making my meal possible.

Last Thursday, I had a 'fun' migraine; my head did not really hurt but I suddenly lost half my field of vision. Thankfully (there's that word again), Excedrine migraine took care of which. I am especially thankful because I was out to eat before gaming and driving with half your field of vision gone seems like a really bad idea.

I went to see Mom this past weekend. I saw something shocking; I saw gas for less than $2/gallon. I'll pause while you recover from the shock. We did a little shopping (I needed some electrical tape) but mostly we worked on organizing her yarn stash. Considering she mostly 'inherits' yarn, her stash is quite large.

Here's something cool; a huge archive of American (US I think) folk and blues music available online for free. Here's the story about it.

I had a dental appointment on Monday, so the only tatting I've really done are the little 1-ring, 5 -picot flowers. Strings of them. My mouth is still a trifle sore.

flowers, late blooming


sunset and autumn leaves

just outside my office

On Friday, as I was walking home in the dark, I managed to miss the sidewalk. It was on a downslope and not only did I fall down, my shoulder/teardrop purse tried to flip over my head. My hair got caught, but luckily I was with someone and she untangled my hair so I could move. I scraped up my knee and my iPad popped right out of the hardshell/keyboard case. On the bright side, it fell on my notebook and only cracked one corner of the screen. I didn't rip my pants either. I'm still a tiny bit sore, though.

And in other news, I've broken 21000 words in my Nanowrimo. But writing meetings are hard.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tragedy and Hope

We played Pathfinder, Wardens of the Reborn Forge, on Saturday. We started late, because we talked about the Paris events (one of the players has a sibling in Paris and he was late as he checked on the sibling's safety). That lead to discussions about 9/11. Of course, that really depressed me, because it makes me so sad.

It was soon after that, I heard about the incident in Beirut and the heroism of Adel Termos. I mourn with his family over his loss, but rejoice over the people he saved.

And here's some info to keep in mind whenever there's a major news event.

I'm almost at 19000 words for NaNoWriMo and I've tatted another bracelet (variegated purple with pink and purple seed beads). I attempted a new earring pattern but all I got was a hot (beaded) mess.

Last night was my date with Autumn Breeze. She was sick on our usual Tuesday and had another commitment last week. We met at our usual diner and then went to see the bartender at the sports bar we used to go to regularly.

Friday, November 13, 2015

15000 words+

Yes, I'm behind. Yes, NaNoWriMo is still eating my brain. Plus I had the spreadsheet from hell this past week at work. It wasn't not a truly difficult spreadsheet, just data entry. But I had to find the correct reports (new system) to get the information and even then it took two help tickets to find out why some of the data was not there.

Tri-Tatters meeting was Saturday. ~19 tatters there, including 5-6 who were either new or re-learning how to tat. Pretty cool. I've made one bracelet and one more would be done, but the thread shredded. I'll be helping monsterunderthebed with the scans of Tatting Times. Whee!

Playing pathfinder tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

RG got a job! About 2 weeks after her severance ended, so the timing was pretty good. Not great, but pretty good.

Have a picture from Neko Atsume, a tablet game I've been playing. They finally made a version in English. Too late, I've already renamed all the cats I've found so far.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015


Guess what I'm trying to do? It's NaNoWriMo time again. I'm behind in my wordcount already. I'm only at 2900 words, when I'm supposed to be at 1800x3 (3rd day of November, 1800 words per day). I have done the prologue, chapter one, and started chapter two.

I won't be writing much of a blog this month. Sorry (not sorry).

Halloween we had 9 trick or treaters come by. Not bad for our neighborhood.

Oh, to console you regarding the lack of post, here's something from The Bloggess. Do not read while eating, drinking, or while in public.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fair Is Over (picture heavy)

My blue ribbon entry
my competition

I know both tatters

Guess what material the dressmaker used
So fabulous

That's a lot of cathedral windows

CK did such a lovely job

CK's knitted work

size 80 thread

You don't see torchon very often

They didn't say, but it looks like bobbin lace

I think it's pretty

great quilting

I just liked this one

I noticed a pair of unclipped threads :headesk:

heavy competition

big enough for a toddler bed

One or two apples

rows of produce

That's a fun dollhouse
If this was my competition (earrings) I don't mind losing

1st place, birthday supper theme table decoration competition

antique centerpiece on handmade base

antique dishes

more antiques

hand carved wood candelabra


music box

late, last night