Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I admit it. I'm sorry that we did not have inclement weather last night or this morning. I just didn't want to come to work today. I stayed up to watch CSI: Miami last night so I didn't head to bed until 11 pm. I cooked chicken last night, plus peas & mashed potatoes. Simple meal, but filling.

Diana cancelled gaming last night because she's still recovering from the illness that laid her low this weekend. John did not get the message so he showed up at 7:30. As a result I did not get to see the last 10 minutes of the Pretender episode that I had taped because he talks over tv shows. We sort of watched the Stargate: SG1 episodes on Sci Fi channel instead. He & Chris talked about Chris's D&D game. John hasn't done his 'shopping' yet. I watched those last 10 minutes this morning & then taped over it with today's episode of Pretender on TNT.

I've had some soda & I'm drinking another one right now but this headache is not going away. I also took an aleve & that hasn't kicked in yet. Luckily my HRIS training isn't until next week. If I tried to do it this week, it would not be pretty.

I finished one book last night, started another one & finished it this morning plus finished yet another one. Although that last one was a re-read, so parts of it I just skimmed.

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