With four people in the car, I'm having to choose what to take instead of just dumping an assortment of tatting thread and beads into a bag. However, I have 3 bags (plus) instead of two. One bag is clothes, one is for tatting and one is my purse. It's a good sized purse and I could carry it on my lap. Except I'm driving. The plus is a couple bags of tins, plus a bag for "The Poncho" and decoy. Oh, I just remembered, my item for the white elephant swap. I have it wrapped (yay, gift bags), but I need to make sure it makes it to the car.
I modeled it after I won last year |
I went to the dentist last week and to give myself something to take my mind off my mouth, I tatted. I pulled out size 10 thread, loaded 3 bobbins, and tatted flowers. Here's one bundle of the ones I made.
I mailed my Dad's birthday present and it arrived the same day they got home. He didn't have that DVD (marines in WWII) so he seemed please. His birthday is not until this weekend but he opened it early.
I have Anitra's present. I found another "lace" covered journal for her. Actually, I found a small sketchbook and a journal. I also found the tiny beads my Aunt Dot gave me. They're smaller than what I commonly use, but Anitra uses that size.
I painted my nails. My throat was a little sore last night, so I was sucking on a cough drop. I wanted to wait until I finished it before I went to sleep. My finger and toenails are now silver glittery. Too bad one thumb nail decided to tear off, almost to the quick. My nails were decent before that. Oh well.
Travel safely and enjoy your trip.
Thank you. I did enjoy myself.
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