Friday, December 08, 2006

Updated! Finally got my on the road posts uploaded. I also have a whole list of things I want to mention, from the trip this past weekend.

Nature Yesterday & this morning I spotted a woodpecker, redheaded I think. It certainly had that red cap & speckled chest thing going. And that noise, the one I thought was a squirrel claiming territory, was that bird. Very harsh, not what I'd call a song. I like seeing it but I fear this means a limited life for that Bradford pear tree.

Movie So Chris started watching his Lord of the Ring DVDs. I had been more or less ignoring them. Until I realized that they made all three books, nigh unto entirety. They just edited them down for the theater. We've been marveling at the work of the director & the editors. Whatever they were paid, however much it was, they were worth it! Now I'm going to have to watch all 6 discs all over again. To see what I missed.

Tatting: I have not gotten any completed the past few days. The reason is simple, in order to start I have to cut off the mis-tat that I currently have active. *sigh*

books: Finished reading Marriage by Design. A pretty good read, although I started to suspect the culprit towards the end.

clothes: black ~ugg boots (Fleece cuff), grey leggings, blue denim jumper, black belt (to cinch in the jumper a scoche), black Origins shirt, dragon pendant, earrings & ring, ~rope band.

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