Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rain, we have RAIN! Okay, so the temperature dropped the rest of the day. Surprisingly, the incoming pressure front did not give me a migraine. I am very pleasantly surprised, and pleased. On the other hand, I don't know whether to blame the weather, my dash down the hill to catch the bus yesterday, or just my own ill-health for the way my knees have been aching for the past day. Last night was agony. Today, it only hurts.

book: I read a little bit of Almost a Princess but didn't have time or hands for much reading (balancing a jacket, an umbrella & the book made it difficult while waiting for the bus).

tatting: I finally got the shuttles loaded but I had to pack last night & didn't get any tatting done. I got a little bit done tonight. I am about halfway through one snowflake from Sunderman's book.

gaming: My registration for Regulatorcon still isn't showing up. *sigh*

The rain cleared by lunch but it had gotten cold & windy. So when Julie came to meet me for lunch, we stayed in the building.

clothes: black tank top (covered when I buttoned shirt), black Origins shirt, black slacks, black belt, same watch, same hematite band, hair in a ponytail/bun with black/brown hairsticks, Celtic knot earrings & ring, flower band, triskele in triangle pendant, & black half-boots.

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