Monday, March 03, 2025

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 Arizona University

Last modified Wednesday, October 19, 2016 8:36 am

On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics

The On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics contains material on weaving, basketry, lace, and related subjects.

Most documents are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). See the tutorial on PDF. Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher is required to access the PDFs on this site. It's free and available for a wide range of platforms.

The documents on this site come from a variety of sources. Most are digital facsimilies of paper documents created by scanning or, in some cases, digital photography. Some documents were written for online publication. Other documents were obtained from the Web and other sources.

Scarf, etc

 I did a pair of Marilee Rockley's earrings, from Tatting with Beads Jewelry. The pair from the cover. This time I used size 20 thread, Lizbeth, with kinda black beads. There's a hint of green in the size 6 beads.

Tatted earring with beads
Black is really hard to photograph well

 I also used some size 10 black crochet cotton to tat a new tab for my tote bag key ring. The tab, nylon strap, frayed to strings. It was holding on, but felt borderline.


Key ring with tatting visible, plus frayed edges of strap

I also went to a 3D printer and vacu-form workshop. Because of time and equipment constraints, we ended up using the premade forms, half-hearts. People could choose whether to make a heart candle or heart soap. I have a lot of candles so I decided to make soap. But I added so many flowers, I couldn't get the 2 halves together. Instead I have 2 half hearts.

One heart with blurred edges, flat side down. Other heart is flat side up and flowers are visible

I tried again to make a vinyl sticker of the drop spindle. But cheap vinyl was cheap. 

My pocket scarf is finished though, pattern by Loomahat. Mine is a little shorter, cause I'm a little shorter. I ran out of yarn as I was working on the 2nd pocket section. Luckily I had another skein (cause I looked for the 1st one and couldn't find more) that coordinates well enough that the 15 or so yards I used it not visibly clashing. 

Draped knitted scarfs, ends are turn up to form pockets


Just in time for more cold weather. 2 weeks ago: snow. Last week: sunny and highs in the 70s. This morning, frost.

But we heard thunder on Thursday so we may get snow by March 9th. There's an old saw about thunder in winter means snow within 10 days. There's meteorological science to back it up. You get a thunderstorm in winter when a cold dry front hits a warm moist front. Then vice versa, can mean snow.