Thursday, January 22, 2004

It's still cold. But at least it's gotten up to 53F today. I have not been outside since 10 am so I'm not certain that I believe that it's comparatively warm. I will find out at 5pm when I leave to go home

We watched part of Secrets of the Vikings last night. I learned one or two things & Chris learned that Kiev was founded by the Vikings & that there was an Imperial Honor Guard in Constantinople made up of Vikings.

The installation of a new program today did not work. The network was down so that the last stage could not be completed. They are going to try again next week.

I had sushi for lunch. I have been promising myself all week that at some point I would get sushi. Yum. I had eel & shrimp nigiri sushi & (fake) crab maki sushi.

I have finally finished putting the data in my dayplanner for the year. I finished the birthdays and anniversaries but I wanted to put in the Celtic months, the solstices, equinoxes, full moons & new moons plus pencil in the regular games.

Now it's back to work. My little break is over.

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