Monday, February 01, 2010

Short & Sweet

Short post because I really need to catch the next bus home. We got about 6" Friday & Saturday, of snow & sleet mixed. Went to supper with J on Friday, instead of going to see Avatar. By the time we left the restaurant at 8 pm, it had already accumulated about 2 inches.

When I took the trash out on Saturday, I barely made an impression in the snow/ice. Scarier, neither did my boyfriend on Sunday when he cleaned off the cars.Today, I could hear the layer of ice creek under my feet.

I had no problems getting to work because I take mass transit & the highways were completely clear. Stuff melted today, and will freeze again overnight. Plus we might get more freezing rain tomorrow night. Winter weather & how.

I only made a single, although large, motif from A Tatter's Workbook. It's more or less square in blue size 10. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. I'm thinking. I need to work on Norman (Jane's TIAS).

We watched quite a bit of our recorded tv and we're still only down to about 70% on our DVR. We also watched DVD 3 & 4 of the Season 1 Two & A Half Men.

Time to go, I really don't want to be walking home any later than necessary.

(No time to do links, sorry)

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