Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Lettermo Has Begun

Lettermo has begun.

I mailed one letter to an aunt on Saturday and then dropped off letters to my mother's other sisters on Monday. Monday afternoon, I dropped off letters to my dad's sisters and to my one great-uncle for Tuesday's mail. There's a Patreon to support Lettermo. Here's a picture of the letters I sent on Tuesday.

The weather got warmer as the week progressed and the weekend was just fabulous. The weather on Monday was so gorgeous, I sat outside at lunch. This is part of what I saw.
There was still a little snow left; where the plows had piled it up. They aren't very big anymore.

Many libraries are posting 'color our collections' this week. They offer black and white images for people to print and color. Here's a library at my alma mater; with an image a day for the week. The Bodleian Library is also doing it.

This is a very interesting article about reporting in and on a culture not your own.

Date with CC tonight. She pointed me at this comic/cartoon series. I finished a bracelet while we were talking.

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