Sunday, February 23, 2025

Trying to get back on schedule

 Went to see my parents last weekend. And since I took the train, I got some tatting done. Learning entwined rings, and trying in size 3 since size 40 about broke my brain.

Tatted hearton pattern page, Holding Hands Heart by Freubelkistb

 I tried it with some linen thread I had, but running out of thread and reloading messed me up.

Upper part of heart, 2nd set of rings are not entwined

 I made an earring from Marilee Rockley's book Tatting with Beaded Jewelry, but size 10 is a bit large/long for earrings for me. This will probably be a bag charm or a pendant.

Series of rings, some beaded, ending in a beaded picot with 1 large bead with 4 smaller beads on either side

 I've done it again in black size 20 thread. With smaller beads, too, of course. 

It snowed this week. We got about 3 inches of it. Then some melted and froze again. Then melted and froze again. 

snow covered ground with trees
Not far from my house, the day after it snowed

Holly leaves with icicles dripping from them
very wintry look

I got some shuttles from the craft resale shop. One is a Tatsy, with the instruction packet. There was a Boye shuttle in the same package, with some thread still on it. I tatted one of the patterns from the sheet.

Single shuttle tatting patterns with a metal Boye shuttle

single shuttle daisy pattern, in progress, from pattern sheet
I ran out of thread

 There was also an Aerlit,, with thread and a few rings tatted. I had to retro-tat a ring that had gotten twisted up, then continued the edging until I ran out of thread. I tat much tighter than that original tatter.

Aerlit tatting shuttle with ring and bare thread edging

 As a bit of a giggle, I made a hat for a coworker's cold cat.


knitted oval with 2 slits

And I made progress on my scrap bag (from Karey Solomon's Bring on the Buttons) during Richard Embry's Tat & Chat yesterday.

Button center with rows of tatting around it

And I spent some time practicing Marilee Rockley's technique for Victorian set split chain. I haven't mastered it, but I do have a better idea. Bad picture, but it was the only one I could get at the time.

tatted ring with a Victorian set split chain


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