Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas-y stuff: One thing that I forgot to mention about the drive home from Dad's. One of his near neighbor's has those cement deer in his yard, three of them. As I was making the turn, sweeping my headlights over those cement deer, the fourth one leapt away and into the darkness.

Mom got off work early on Wednesday so I drove down to her place Christmas Eve. I still haven't found her present, but she's okay if it's late. We spent Christmas Day watching my Mae West movies, John Wayne movies and Casablanca (which I had never watched all the way through before). We also spent time sorting mom's stuff into 'keep' and 'give away' piles. The give away stuff went out to her car, so it's really ready to give away.

We got up really early this morning and went out to breakfast before Mom went to work. I drove home, unsurprisingly traffic was pretty light. When I got home my smoky stuff went into the washing machine & I washed my hair. I love my mom; I do not love the smell of cigarette smoke.

Instead of baking the Amish friendship bread, I split it up & gave two of the starter bags to my neighbors, along with a woven potholder. I still have two neighbor presents left to give. I have enough loops to make at least two more potholders, thank goodness.

This afternoon, Chris is running a Living Forgotten Realm game; Barrow of the Ogre King at David M's house. Joe is riding with us, saves gas.

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