Thursday, March 12, 2009

TV Shows I'm Taping (& Watching)
Ashes to Ashes. BBC drama about a police inspector who is shot and finds herself in 1981. This is sort of a sequel to Life on Mars. The other inspectors are there, including the infamous Gene Hunt. Inspector Alex has been reading Sam Tyler's file (thinking he's a complete nutball) when it happens to her.

Eleventh Hour: American crime drama. Dr. Jacob Hood is an FBI consultant who investigates scientific crimes. Okay, it's not a great but it's decent.

Bones: another procedural crime drama, this one focused on forensic anthropology, etc. Luckily, thanks to my upbringing, I have no problem watching it, even while eating spaghetti. Thanks, Mom!

The Big Bang Theory: Another success by Chuck Lorre. Per Chuck's formula, he contrasts two social types, in this case highly intelligent geeks with a wannabe actress who's making her living as a waitress. I have trouble watching sitcoms because they are just so predictable. Not anything by Chuck Lorre.

Hogan's Heroes: Okay, so it's been off the air almost as long as I've been alive (almost), I still enjoy the show.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
: Chris started taping this and I'm enjoying it immensely. A wonderful part of it is the bit at the end when the guy is on his own.

Diner, Drive-ins, & Dives: I enjoy this show but it really makes me want to take a road trip. Or five. I want to visit those places Guy F 'reviews.'

Adventures in English: BBC show about the history of the English language. Why yes, I am a word geek, why do you ask?

Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares: again, one that Chris started watching & now I watch, too. You have to be careful about watching, though, or you will never, ever, eat out again.

CSI, CSI:NY & CSI: Miami: yeah, three shows; more or less the same premise but the flavor is very different. Funny note, the city of Miami has no CSI unit.

And that's enough for one blog. Ye gods, I watch a lot of telly. That's not even glancing at stuff that's not in season.

tatting: I finished the Celtic Cross in Rozella Linden's Celtic Tatting Knots & Patterns. I should have done it with 2 different threads, though. Even with variegated, switching off so that the colors contrasted where I could, it just didn't contrast enough.

Now it's back to the burgundy dragon. I want to have it done by next weekend. I started the 1st wing.

Gaming: this weekend it's back to Scepter Tower of Spellguard. This weekend will finish it. If need be, on Sunday.

The weather's turned cold. After almost a week of unseasonable high temperatures, it's plunged down to the mid-40's. The high today was only in the 50's. Tomorrow will be even lower. And it will be raining. Um, what season is this again? I've lost track.

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