Tuesday, April 28, 2015


hit me hard this week. Stress is part of it. My car died and budgeting for car payments is scary.

This night though, tonight got very rough. C was out tonight, it's our separate night. That's cool. But tonight, on G+ someone mentioned reading the eulogies for a deceased colleague and wondering what hers would say, what contributions has she made.

Me? I'm a secretary. I'm a pretty good one but not even a top secretary. I haven't made any great impact. The world would barely even ripple at my passing. Depression tells me how better off everyone would be if I weren't here anymore. Don't worry, I won't commit suicide. That's too much effort. Lots of people suffer depression, if more people are open about, maybe there'll be less stigma.

I've been doing my self care since my car died. I knew it was having a negative impact. I've had that car for twenty years. I've avoided reading negative or upsetting news in depth, are every meal, even went outside for some nature therapy, and tried to walk more.

Sorry if this is disjointed. I'm not at my best right now. But here, it's my new nails.
And an iris

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weekend with Mom

Last week's storms did a number on me. All the pressure fronts plus the high pollen meant waking up with headaches and migraines all week. Except Thursday morning which was an all out light and sound show, courtesy of Mother Nature. Thursday night was almost as loud, but with more rainfall. Friday morning, I don't think my alarm clock ever turned on (the radio turns on to wake me up, I can't stand the noise alerts).

I went to the re-dedication of the Gift on Friday. It was lovely and I got to see Senora Lynch again. She and her family are such lovely people.

This website lists the best restaurants, county by county. I do kind of wonder how they came to their choices.

Last week I also discovered Sh%t Southern Women Say. Many of these things I have never said (I've never been in a pageant, or a cheerleader, or a debutante). But many of them I have said or have heard said.

I have some pictures of the pollen (as seen through my windshield).
Just a little pollen

Pollen, after I ran the windshield wipers

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

International Tatting Day

Was Wednesday, April 1st. I had a meeting that morning so I did some tatting there. My edging is going pretty well. The beads can be a bit fiddly as I keep them out of my tatting, until I need them. Too bad this photo washes out the colors.

I've been wearing the new leggings and tights I bought. It's so nice having some variety there.

I had Friday off from work. I had PLANS. Okay, I had three things to do; some cleaning and laundry, mending a skirt, and more work on my edging. I got a load of laundry done. I didn't even get caught up on my recorded shows. And it turns out I'm out of black thread. I bought some on Monday.

Tonight is date night with CC. I think both of us will need to vent.

And for some reason this post did not publish. Sorry, everyone.