The train ride was lovely. Although there were 2 gents (I use the term loosely) who were apparently unacquainted with the existence of headphones. I mean, when the phone conversation directly in front of me is less intrusive than videos that are 3-4 seats away? Really?
Dad has some more of the pen rings for me, but couldn't find them. He'd also gotten me a six pack of Cheerwine zero 16 oz bottles, and some pistachio nuts. After I got home, I found the rings, under the bag of nuts.
C & I went to an outlet mall on Black Friday. Dangerous, we know. Neither one of us has been out shopping on Black Friday in 5-8 years. But he needed jeans and hey, the store was having a 50% off sale.
I finished writing up the pattern for Solar Flare. I just need to submit it & my teacher application to Palmetto Tat Days by Friday.
Transferring photos to my new laptop. I have 81k pictures. I might need to cull some. Or at least organize them better.