Party this evening! My boyfriend's company Holiday party is this evening. Unlike in past years, they are having it after work (instead of 0n a Saturday) & it's going to be hors-d-oeurves instead a meal. There probably won't even be a bar. However, and this is the part that I'm looking forward to, it will be at the NC Museum of History. You know, the one with the Roanoke Exhibit, involving material from the British History Museum. Many of which have not seen North American soil since the 16th century. Yeah, that museum. So I wore my holiday vest today, since it's a holiday party.
books: I started reading the 3rd Sisters Grimm book.
tatting: I'm on the 5th point of the white/silver snowflake. Too bad I've no thread left on the shuttle. I'll have to reload it to finish the 5th point & to do the 6th one. I found some variegated green to do Jane's tree. It's 4-ply so I will have to separate it 1st. I might have time during the bus ride this evening.
Gaming: We started a new story arc in Mutants and Masterminds last night. I'm not sure where this one is going. It might be a short one. We got started late (Chris & Rosemary were late due to an accident blocking their route) so we had to stop in mid-battle. Chris's character, Wraith, is missing two of his duplicates but that's part of the next story arc. Last night we were fighting Crimson Katana, the woman (3rd generation) who wields the wakizashi made from the skull of the Human Tank (her grandfather forged the blade after killing The Human Tank). The previous Lady Celtic (Rosemary's character is the current one) was married to the Human Tank so she is really upset about that blade. A bunch of ninjas, some samurai type and a mage have joined the fight & it suddenly looks like Crimson Katana wasn't the bad guy, until someone or something took possession of her. Guess we'll find out during the next game session.
clothes: black ~slippers & socks & slacks, same black belt & silver clip watch, dark green turtleneck, holiday vest, moss agate bead bracelet, onyx ring (black stone at least), floral band, hematite band, emerald & gold earrings & pendant, and braided hair. Holiday vest: It's a bolero vest that I made years ago with silk ribbon embroidery & beads (poinsettias & mistletoe) on tone on tone white mistletoe calico, reversible with green marked with tiny gold dots.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I received an odd compliment today. One of my co-workers commented on my vest (asking if I had made it). When I told her that it was a thrift shop find, she said, "You always coordinate your colors so well, I don't know how you do it." I finally learned to accept a compliment so I just nodded & say thank you. But WTH? Yesterday I wore a dark purple turtleneck, a deep plum & tan tapestry vest, black slacks, etc, with amethyst pendant & purple Czech bead earrings. Today it's navy slacks, light blue turtleneck & Williamsburg blue and cream tapestry vest. Okay, they are the same color family & they do coordinate. But it's still an odd complement.
books: Sisters Grimm 2, And Able, Swimming without a Net, and Royal Mess. My Amazon order arrived & I've done a lot of reading. I've re-read one book by Maggie Shayne, The Brands Who Came for Christmas.
tatting: I've been working on an edging before sleep. The thread's only broken once. Not bad for old thread. I've given up on the last round of the latest snowflake. I screwed up the 2nd chain and decided that it looked fine without the last round and cut it off. I've started repeating one of the snowflakes but with a silver filament. I also found some variegated green to do Jane's tree.
other crafts: tried to use that odd cotton string/thread on the loom in a loose lattice knit. It didn't work. I need to read the directions again.
clothes: I've mostly covered this already but add in braided hair, Celtic knot earrings, ring & pendant, flower band, navy loafers and socks.
books: Sisters Grimm 2, And Able, Swimming without a Net, and Royal Mess. My Amazon order arrived & I've done a lot of reading. I've re-read one book by Maggie Shayne, The Brands Who Came for Christmas.
tatting: I've been working on an edging before sleep. The thread's only broken once. Not bad for old thread. I've given up on the last round of the latest snowflake. I screwed up the 2nd chain and decided that it looked fine without the last round and cut it off. I've started repeating one of the snowflakes but with a silver filament. I also found some variegated green to do Jane's tree.
other crafts: tried to use that odd cotton string/thread on the loom in a loose lattice knit. It didn't work. I need to read the directions again.
clothes: I've mostly covered this already but add in braided hair, Celtic knot earrings, ring & pendant, flower band, navy loafers and socks.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
We used the Tivo for the first time last night. We saved a couple shows. I'll watch at least one of them tonight.
tv: we watched an episode from the 1st season of Bones, an old Mission Impossible episode & part of a Superman cartoon.
books: I finished Sisters Grimm. It's an excellent book. It uses a many of the traditional fairy tale characters, in a novel way. I think I'll get the next book. I started Willing and re-reading Making Money.
crafts: I finished the headband but this time it has more orange in it. That's not very flattering next to my face. I have some lovely ribbon yarn, I think I'll make a lattice scarf from it.
clothes: black suede shoes; black jeans; same belt, watch & hematite band; onyx earrings & pendant; braided silver ring & matching pair of bracelets; black short-sleeved sweater & braided hair.
tv: we watched an episode from the 1st season of Bones, an old Mission Impossible episode & part of a Superman cartoon.
books: I finished Sisters Grimm. It's an excellent book. It uses a many of the traditional fairy tale characters, in a novel way. I think I'll get the next book. I started Willing and re-reading Making Money.
crafts: I finished the headband but this time it has more orange in it. That's not very flattering next to my face. I have some lovely ribbon yarn, I think I'll make a lattice scarf from it.
clothes: black suede shoes; black jeans; same belt, watch & hematite band; onyx earrings & pendant; braided silver ring & matching pair of bracelets; black short-sleeved sweater & braided hair.
Monday, November 26, 2007
I stayed up too late last night. The game (the 2nd one) ended at 9:30 but I still didn't get to sleep until late.
It's cool and rainy today. It's almost stereotypical fall weather. I'm not complaining about the rain. After all, I have an umbrella & a warm coat.
books: I finished re-reading Ready by Lucy Monroe. I started reading The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley. But I'll probably go back & re-read Willing by Monroe before I finish it.
clothes: black ankle boots/shoes, black jeans, same black belt & silver clip watch, brown/black Vorkosigan polo, 3 women pendant, fem power ring, same hematite band, & butterfly earrings. My hair is braided simply because I didn't feel like doing anything else to it.
It's cool and rainy today. It's almost stereotypical fall weather. I'm not complaining about the rain. After all, I have an umbrella & a warm coat.
books: I finished re-reading Ready by Lucy Monroe. I started reading The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley. But I'll probably go back & re-read Willing by Monroe before I finish it.
clothes: black ankle boots/shoes, black jeans, same black belt & silver clip watch, brown/black Vorkosigan polo, 3 women pendant, fem power ring, same hematite band, & butterfly earrings. My hair is braided simply because I didn't feel like doing anything else to it.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Did a little straightening but absolutely no shopping. I did not even leave the house on Friday or Saturday. Today I left to get lunch & to go eat supper.
Tatting: worked on an edging from the old thread that I'd bought. The thread broke on the second big ring (doing a variant of the hen & chicks) and I had to do a rejoin.
other crafts: I have started another ear scarf on the knitting loom. This one I think I will manage to finish off without it binding me. I think that if I crochet it, I won't have the same problem. I have now finished 3 hot pads and the cotton loops have arrived to do more.
Today we played a game of Witch Hunter and a quick game of Blackmoor. The Witch Hunter was massive fun and apparently my character is the collector of 'bad' things. The Blackmoor was entertaining in a completely different fashion.
I have learned something. If you leave your shirt wrapped around a bag of scented candles (not such that the candles melt), the next time that you wear the shirt you will get a blast of scent every time that you move. It's nice but a little overwhelming at times.
By the way, green tea with pomegranate is absolutely delicious, hot or cold. I think that it's Celestial Seasoning brand but I won't swear to it.
BTW, how many ways can you say the same thing? Over and over? Ye gods, drive it into the ground. Yes, I'm complaining about someone.
Tatting: worked on an edging from the old thread that I'd bought. The thread broke on the second big ring (doing a variant of the hen & chicks) and I had to do a rejoin.
other crafts: I have started another ear scarf on the knitting loom. This one I think I will manage to finish off without it binding me. I think that if I crochet it, I won't have the same problem. I have now finished 3 hot pads and the cotton loops have arrived to do more.
Today we played a game of Witch Hunter and a quick game of Blackmoor. The Witch Hunter was massive fun and apparently my character is the collector of 'bad' things. The Blackmoor was entertaining in a completely different fashion.
I have learned something. If you leave your shirt wrapped around a bag of scented candles (not such that the candles melt), the next time that you wear the shirt you will get a blast of scent every time that you move. It's nice but a little overwhelming at times.
By the way, green tea with pomegranate is absolutely delicious, hot or cold. I think that it's Celestial Seasoning brand but I won't swear to it.
BTW, how many ways can you say the same thing? Over and over? Ye gods, drive it into the ground. Yes, I'm complaining about someone.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We did it. We finally got TiVo. It's a used box because I didn't set it to record conversational Italian. Now comes the set up. Programming which shows to record and which channels are favorite, etc.
books: I re-read Demon of Undoing & Star King.
Tatting: I started making an edging with some of that size 10 that I picked up. It's a hen & chicks variant, at least until the thread broke. I've also started another snowflake.
clothes: leggings & then jeans; plus purple angel/moon t-shirt.
books: I re-read Demon of Undoing & Star King.
Tatting: I started making an edging with some of that size 10 that I picked up. It's a hen & chicks variant, at least until the thread broke. I've also started another snowflake.
clothes: leggings & then jeans; plus purple angel/moon t-shirt.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Quickie post to day: lots to do.
Read 3rd bok in Immortal Series & the 4th. Finished reading Moon Fever anthology.
Finished another snowflake.
Lunch with Dad at Maggiano's Little Italy. Not cheap but very good & lots of food. I ate leftovers for breakfast & lunch today. I have more to eat. Supper with Chris & his family, I ate lightly there. I had to.
Dad & I looked over old pictures. I could almost start telling my my grandmother's siblings apart. The photos dated back to 1906 (great-grandmother). I think that the most recent photo was 1970-ish. Wait, no, I lie. There were some pictures from Dad's birthday party in 2002.
clothes: jeans & t-shirt. Yesterday it was long-sleeved Carolina Panthers & today it's blue with flag & wolf.
Read 3rd bok in Immortal Series & the 4th. Finished reading Moon Fever anthology.
Finished another snowflake.
Lunch with Dad at Maggiano's Little Italy. Not cheap but very good & lots of food. I ate leftovers for breakfast & lunch today. I have more to eat. Supper with Chris & his family, I ate lightly there. I had to.
Dad & I looked over old pictures. I could almost start telling my my grandmother's siblings apart. The photos dated back to 1906 (great-grandmother). I think that the most recent photo was 1970-ish. Wait, no, I lie. There were some pictures from Dad's birthday party in 2002.
clothes: jeans & t-shirt. Yesterday it was long-sleeved Carolina Panthers & today it's blue with flag & wolf.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, I was still tired & I had a lot of work to catch up.
Gaming: Chris's game Monday night. We found the cabbage thieves. And judging by their reaction to our inquiries: they've already used it to poison their weapons. It's a bar brawl, with dire wolves (okay, singular dire wolf; that would be my Druid, Kelis).
I sent the notes from the Witch Hunter game, that she ran, to Paige. She replied that they were pretty funny. I tried to write them more from Solange-Marie's point of view, rather than just generic notes.
tatting: I screwed up that snowflake. Luckily it was only the last point, really. I had to cut it off & start again. End result: a less than attractive snowflake, in my opinion anyway. I'll know more once I finish it.
Other crafts: I used that metal frame from Harrisville to make a couple potholders. I bought the frame & starting loops from Spin Blessing. They were great. They shipped quickly & without any problems. I think that I'll give them to my neighbors, along with my mini-calzone recipe.
Gaming: Chris's game Monday night. We found the cabbage thieves. And judging by their reaction to our inquiries: they've already used it to poison their weapons. It's a bar brawl, with dire wolves (okay, singular dire wolf; that would be my Druid, Kelis).
I sent the notes from the Witch Hunter game, that she ran, to Paige. She replied that they were pretty funny. I tried to write them more from Solange-Marie's point of view, rather than just generic notes.
tatting: I screwed up that snowflake. Luckily it was only the last point, really. I had to cut it off & start again. End result: a less than attractive snowflake, in my opinion anyway. I'll know more once I finish it.
Other crafts: I used that metal frame from Harrisville to make a couple potholders. I bought the frame & starting loops from Spin Blessing. They were great. They shipped quickly & without any problems. I think that I'll give them to my neighbors, along with my mini-calzone recipe.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tired me. I slept about 10 hours & staggered around when I got up this morning. We dawdled around a bit but still got out by the time Chris had wanted to. He had a massage appointment at 1 pm and I would not enjoy idling around waiting for him. He dropped me off and I did a little cleaning this afternoon and read, etc.
I still napped for an hour in the car. I started a 4th snowflake. I have started the 3rd point when we got home.
I re-read the 2nd book of the Sharing Knife. I also read a little bit of the Witch Hunter rule book.
I watched a few of the Falcon movies on TCM. They are pretty entertaining.
clothes: black tennis shoes & jeans, black belt, same watch, dragon pendant & rings, chain mail earring with grey roses, ponytail & black t-shirt with "stained glass" knight & dragon fight.
I still napped for an hour in the car. I started a 4th snowflake. I have started the 3rd point when we got home.
I re-read the 2nd book of the Sharing Knife. I also read a little bit of the Witch Hunter rule book.
I watched a few of the Falcon movies on TCM. They are pretty entertaining.
clothes: black tennis shoes & jeans, black belt, same watch, dragon pendant & rings, chain mail earring with grey roses, ponytail & black t-shirt with "stained glass" knight & dragon fight.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
We finally finished playing about midnight or so last night. My character almost died but it was a great game. And frankly, my character is so ineffective in combat that it's much better for someone else to be awake and her to be down.
We got to bed about 2 am and got to the con again this morning in time for our game of Order of Underworld Travellers. It's a painful adventure. It really, really is. Reed is going to be in a pissy mood for some time to come.
The second adventure of Sunday & the last one of the con, we're playing the 7th Witch Hunter adventure. Rosemary & I ended up at one table & Chris is at another.
I've been too busy gaming, taking notes, etc to read or to tat.
clothes: black tennis shoes, blue jeans, black belt, grey Siege of Yorktown t-shirt, Celtic knot earrings, flower band, hematite earrings, ~rope band, knot pendant & ponytail held by bronze jewelry clip.
We got to bed about 2 am and got to the con again this morning in time for our game of Order of Underworld Travellers. It's a painful adventure. It really, really is. Reed is going to be in a pissy mood for some time to come.
The second adventure of Sunday & the last one of the con, we're playing the 7th Witch Hunter adventure. Rosemary & I ended up at one table & Chris is at another.
I've been too busy gaming, taking notes, etc to read or to tat.
clothes: black tennis shoes, blue jeans, black belt, grey Siege of Yorktown t-shirt, Celtic knot earrings, flower band, hematite earrings, ~rope band, knot pendant & ponytail held by bronze jewelry clip.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Today it's Mace. We played an intro LG game this morning. I played my Greyhawk Ruins character for the 2nd time. Her name is a little complex so I use the nickname Kash. The GM & the other players appreciate that. It's her last non-Ruins game.
This afternoon we played the core special. It's basically a 2-rounder game that we played in one round. We played out Cattails & there was another one at the table. It was an APL 14 table and we pretty much took the table. The other CatTail went negative but I had Delay Death prepped & saved "her". I got to use one of my Blessed Relief cards. We finished up about an hour after the round was supposed to finish, but then again we started late.
We sat around while Chris & Rosemary updated their characters; they both leveled. We sat around and socialized while we did so and finally headed for supper & to walk Duncan almost about the same time that the evening round started. As we were leaving, someone commented that a second table of Witch Hunter had been formed. We were three of the players. So we had to hurry to our hotel, Rosemary walked Duncan while Chris got food from McD's and I changed character stuff.
We got to the game about half an hour after the game was scheduled to start. But that's okay. They knew that we were coming & were waiting for us. Again, Witch Hunter is lots of fun.
We are starting to have some running gags. M'sieur Rumor is guilty of much and Louis really likes his clothes. Katherine is charming and Richard is, well, English.
tatting: I have made a couple snowflakes & given one away.
books: I've read a couple tatting patterns & that's pretty much it. Other than some game stuff.
clothes: black suede shoes, blue jeans, grey Gran March t-shirt over long-sleeved burgundy t-shirt, same watch, Celtic triangle pendant, Celtic earrings & ring, flower band, ~rope ring, braided hair with Celtic hair elastic at top.
This afternoon we played the core special. It's basically a 2-rounder game that we played in one round. We played out Cattails & there was another one at the table. It was an APL 14 table and we pretty much took the table. The other CatTail went negative but I had Delay Death prepped & saved "her". I got to use one of my Blessed Relief cards. We finished up about an hour after the round was supposed to finish, but then again we started late.
We sat around while Chris & Rosemary updated their characters; they both leveled. We sat around and socialized while we did so and finally headed for supper & to walk Duncan almost about the same time that the evening round started. As we were leaving, someone commented that a second table of Witch Hunter had been formed. We were three of the players. So we had to hurry to our hotel, Rosemary walked Duncan while Chris got food from McD's and I changed character stuff.
We got to the game about half an hour after the game was scheduled to start. But that's okay. They knew that we were coming & were waiting for us. Again, Witch Hunter is lots of fun.
We are starting to have some running gags. M'sieur Rumor is guilty of much and Louis really likes his clothes. Katherine is charming and Richard is, well, English.
tatting: I have made a couple snowflakes & given one away.
books: I've read a couple tatting patterns & that's pretty much it. Other than some game stuff.
clothes: black suede shoes, blue jeans, grey Gran March t-shirt over long-sleeved burgundy t-shirt, same watch, Celtic triangle pendant, Celtic earrings & ring, flower band, ~rope ring, braided hair with Celtic hair elastic at top.
Friday, November 16, 2007
It's chilly & windy, getting cold. The games have been fun. The grilled chicken sandwich at Bojangles was dry.
I'm playing my second game of Witch Hunter and it's lots of fun. It's the second adventure and we have had some great lines. Louis mourns the death of the only tailor in town. And that she did not leave him a set of clothes. Or at least a recommendation of another tailor.
We pulled a good one on Paige. She was originally going to be running tonight's game. After we played our 1st game, we got the idea of asking her, 'what happened after the 1st fight. She looked a little puzzled, 'oh there's the whole half of the mod.' We led her to believe that our entire party died, aka a TPK. She was utterly horrified and started half-sputtering, does the campaign coordinator know? Has anyone told the author? etc. We finally admitted that we were yanking her chain. She took it in good part, we got her good.
I'm playing my second game of Witch Hunter and it's lots of fun. It's the second adventure and we have had some great lines. Louis mourns the death of the only tailor in town. And that she did not leave him a set of clothes. Or at least a recommendation of another tailor.
We pulled a good one on Paige. She was originally going to be running tonight's game. After we played our 1st game, we got the idea of asking her, 'what happened after the 1st fight. She looked a little puzzled, 'oh there's the whole half of the mod.' We led her to believe that our entire party died, aka a TPK. She was utterly horrified and started half-sputtering, does the campaign coordinator know? Has anyone told the author? etc. We finally admitted that we were yanking her chain. She took it in good part, we got her good.
Just in time for my trip to MACE. Yeah, I get further proof that I am definitely female & I am not breeding. Bring on the cramps. I knew it was coming, it's not like this is really a surprise; but still.
I'm only working half a day today. I'm leaving at noon to go to Mace. I'm looking forward to it, even though it's been so long since I signed up, that I don't remember what games I'm playing.
Mutants & Masterminds game: We finally wound up Totem's storyline. She has a very resentful, younger half-brother who's agreed to start his training & become her successor. We finished up the fight with pigeon Totem flying back into our reality, taking human form, calling up Isis for new magic to teleport to the Coyote/Anubis mask (used a Hero Point to stunt of her Magic Power). She reached the lodge where Jason, her younger brother, and the notables of the tribe were doing a ritual to talk to Coyote and find out what he intended for Jason. Jason came out of the lodge, wearing the mask & carrying a tomahawk, still really resentful. Coyote is perhaps, not the most comfortable person to reveal one's destiny.
They teleported back to the gate (using Totem's last Hero Point) and back through it. Totem became a pigeon again (I had some really good rolls with the acrobatic bluff, causing Eyekiller to destroy some of his own demons) and Jason snuck by everybody, thanks to both his own gifts & the mask. He got a Wraith duplicate to take him to Eyekiller's fetish. He destroyed it & ended the Eyekiller threat & closed the gate. The Wraith duplicate managed to throw him through it before it closed. Lady Celtic found the key phrase to help Jason deal with his new life: chicks dig it when you save the world. Hey, he's a 15-year-old boy.
tatting: I almost finished the first snowflake. I have one more point to go. I had to finish packing this morning so I had no time to tat before work. And then it was too durn cold to tat while waiting for the bus.
Letters: I plan to mail them today.
clothes: black suede shoes, black jeans, black belt (yes, the Celtic one), same clip watch, same hematite band, ~rope band, silver feather charm & quartz chip earrings, feather-carved quartz point pendant on long silver chain, braided hair & burgundy turtleneck.
I'm only working half a day today. I'm leaving at noon to go to Mace. I'm looking forward to it, even though it's been so long since I signed up, that I don't remember what games I'm playing.
Mutants & Masterminds game: We finally wound up Totem's storyline. She has a very resentful, younger half-brother who's agreed to start his training & become her successor. We finished up the fight with pigeon Totem flying back into our reality, taking human form, calling up Isis for new magic to teleport to the Coyote/Anubis mask (used a Hero Point to stunt of her Magic Power). She reached the lodge where Jason, her younger brother, and the notables of the tribe were doing a ritual to talk to Coyote and find out what he intended for Jason. Jason came out of the lodge, wearing the mask & carrying a tomahawk, still really resentful. Coyote is perhaps, not the most comfortable person to reveal one's destiny.
They teleported back to the gate (using Totem's last Hero Point) and back through it. Totem became a pigeon again (I had some really good rolls with the acrobatic bluff, causing Eyekiller to destroy some of his own demons) and Jason snuck by everybody, thanks to both his own gifts & the mask. He got a Wraith duplicate to take him to Eyekiller's fetish. He destroyed it & ended the Eyekiller threat & closed the gate. The Wraith duplicate managed to throw him through it before it closed. Lady Celtic found the key phrase to help Jason deal with his new life: chicks dig it when you save the world. Hey, he's a 15-year-old boy.
tatting: I almost finished the first snowflake. I have one more point to go. I had to finish packing this morning so I had no time to tat before work. And then it was too durn cold to tat while waiting for the bus.
Letters: I plan to mail them today.
clothes: black suede shoes, black jeans, black belt (yes, the Celtic one), same clip watch, same hematite band, ~rope band, silver feather charm & quartz chip earrings, feather-carved quartz point pendant on long silver chain, braided hair & burgundy turtleneck.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rain, we have RAIN! Okay, so the temperature dropped the rest of the day. Surprisingly, the incoming pressure front did not give me a migraine. I am very pleasantly surprised, and pleased. On the other hand, I don't know whether to blame the weather, my dash down the hill to catch the bus yesterday, or just my own ill-health for the way my knees have been aching for the past day. Last night was agony. Today, it only hurts.
book: I read a little bit of Almost a Princess but didn't have time or hands for much reading (balancing a jacket, an umbrella & the book made it difficult while waiting for the bus).
tatting: I finally got the shuttles loaded but I had to pack last night & didn't get any tatting done. I got a little bit done tonight. I am about halfway through one snowflake from Sunderman's book.
gaming: My registration for Regulatorcon still isn't showing up. *sigh*
The rain cleared by lunch but it had gotten cold & windy. So when Julie came to meet me for lunch, we stayed in the building.
clothes: black tank top (covered when I buttoned shirt), black Origins shirt, black slacks, black belt, same watch, same hematite band, hair in a ponytail/bun with black/brown hairsticks, Celtic knot earrings & ring, flower band, triskele in triangle pendant, & black half-boots.
book: I read a little bit of Almost a Princess but didn't have time or hands for much reading (balancing a jacket, an umbrella & the book made it difficult while waiting for the bus).
tatting: I finally got the shuttles loaded but I had to pack last night & didn't get any tatting done. I got a little bit done tonight. I am about halfway through one snowflake from Sunderman's book.
gaming: My registration for Regulatorcon still isn't showing up. *sigh*
The rain cleared by lunch but it had gotten cold & windy. So when Julie came to meet me for lunch, we stayed in the building.
clothes: black tank top (covered when I buttoned shirt), black Origins shirt, black slacks, black belt, same watch, same hematite band, hair in a ponytail/bun with black/brown hairsticks, Celtic knot earrings & ring, flower band, triskele in triangle pendant, & black half-boots.
Breaking: 130,000 acres of land saved in Tennessee!
The Nature Conservancy has completed the largest conservation transaction in Tennessee since the creation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the 1930s... to protect nearly 130,000 acres of majestic hardwood forests, mountains and streams, now also open to the public for recreation.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Food! Oh, yum. Chris had the greatest idea for supper. Brown some meat (doesn't really matter what kind, as long as it's ground). Cook some peas and some mashed potatoes. Pile some of the meat in the bottom of a bowl, add peas, add a little cheese, and top with mashed potatoes. There are some spices involved, too. It's a simple version of shepherd's pie, one of my favorite dishes.
Gaming: My registration for Regulatorcon hasn't gone through yet. Until it does, I can't register for games. Apparently, I'm not alone in that. That's some comfort.
Tomorrow night is Mutants & Masterminds. I'll have to see how I'm getting there.
Pictures! I have pictures. This one is the top of the pendant for my Fair Entry That Almost Was.
You can see the tatted ring very clearly. There are actually 2 rings on this bauble, but of course you can only see one clearly at a time.
This is the 2nd necklace. You can just barely see the blue/gold flash on the black beads. I have more drop beads than round ones. That limited just how long the necklace could be. This is a fairly close up shot of the main component of the necklace.

This is more of an overview of the necklace. The area where I changed over from small rings to large rings to beads is more visible in this shot.
Last, but not least, the site of the pendant. I made the chain a little longer than the chains with the drop beads.
Gaming: My registration for Regulatorcon hasn't gone through yet. Until it does, I can't register for games. Apparently, I'm not alone in that. That's some comfort.
Tomorrow night is Mutants & Masterminds. I'll have to see how I'm getting there.
Pictures! I have pictures. This one is the top of the pendant for my Fair Entry That Almost Was.
You can see the tatted ring very clearly. There are actually 2 rings on this bauble, but of course you can only see one clearly at a time.
This is more of an overview of the necklace. The area where I changed over from small rings to large rings to beads is more visible in this shot.
Last, but not least, the site of the pendant. I made the chain a little longer than the chains with the drop beads.
Morning Music soundtrack: Here With Me (Dido), Second Nature (Clannad), Out of the Gene Pool (Jeff Foxworthy), Happy Now? (No Doubt), You Thought (The Go-Gos), Time Will Crawl, The Rum Tum Tugger,& ending with Deep in the Heart of Texas (Gene Autry).
books: I finished Wild Magic last night & brought More Than Honor to read today. I wasn't in the mood for the 3rd story so I finished it a little sooner than I expected (at lunch). Although I did entertain myself imagining a fictional occurrence in which Commander Leary from the RCN series, Emperor Roger McClintock, Admiral Honor Harrington & Imperial Auditor Lord Vorkosigan meet. Since the science of their various star travels are mutually incompatible, it's obviously impossible in any of the world settings.
computer games: I started a new game of Tradewinds 2 (warning, pop-up). I've unlocked one captain, I wonder how to unlock the other one.
tv: I started to watch Dr Who but I wasn't up to it. I really don't like the flashback-style of tv show. I then watched a little Perry Mason, then flipped around. I couldn't settle on anything & finally turned it off.
tatting: I finished the snowflake using the vintage thread. It's a little large (ie larger than a fingernail, even my thumbnail, for such a simple pattern) but it still looks pretty good. I need to clip the loose threads.
I spent some time downloading my camera's contents & then editing the pictures. I put a load of laundry into the machine but the jeans hadn't finished drying by the time I went to bed. That's what I get for having some jeans that demand 'tumble dry on low'. For supper, I had the other sweet potato that I bought at the dining hall farmer's market. I baked it much better this time. With my oven, an hour is better than 45 minutes.
clothes: navy loafers, socks & slacks; same watch & hematite band; light blue 2005 NCAA men's basketball champs polo; lapis bead earrings; lapis ring; blue stone & white bead necklace (still without pendant); & loose hair (thought about braiding but no time to find an elastic).
books: I finished Wild Magic last night & brought More Than Honor to read today. I wasn't in the mood for the 3rd story so I finished it a little sooner than I expected (at lunch). Although I did entertain myself imagining a fictional occurrence in which Commander Leary from the RCN series, Emperor Roger McClintock, Admiral Honor Harrington & Imperial Auditor Lord Vorkosigan meet. Since the science of their various star travels are mutually incompatible, it's obviously impossible in any of the world settings.
computer games: I started a new game of Tradewinds 2 (warning, pop-up). I've unlocked one captain, I wonder how to unlock the other one.
tv: I started to watch Dr Who but I wasn't up to it. I really don't like the flashback-style of tv show. I then watched a little Perry Mason, then flipped around. I couldn't settle on anything & finally turned it off.
tatting: I finished the snowflake using the vintage thread. It's a little large (ie larger than a fingernail, even my thumbnail, for such a simple pattern) but it still looks pretty good. I need to clip the loose threads.
I spent some time downloading my camera's contents & then editing the pictures. I put a load of laundry into the machine but the jeans hadn't finished drying by the time I went to bed. That's what I get for having some jeans that demand 'tumble dry on low'. For supper, I had the other sweet potato that I bought at the dining hall farmer's market. I baked it much better this time. With my oven, an hour is better than 45 minutes.
clothes: navy loafers, socks & slacks; same watch & hematite band; light blue 2005 NCAA men's basketball champs polo; lapis bead earrings; lapis ring; blue stone & white bead necklace (still without pendant); & loose hair (thought about braiding but no time to find an elastic).
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tatting Photos!
Since Friendster, where I usually post my tatting progress, says that I don't have enough disk space for any more photos. I'll put them here. All my latest!
Here is the silver snowflake that I made from Kreinik very fine silver braid.
It's a very simple snowflake. I don't remember where I got the pattern.
Below is the same snowflake with the label of the thread visible .
I made some bookmarks for Nordic Needles literacy project. This is the last one that I started, Floral. Most of these are by Kersti. She has such lovely patterns.

This is the the completed bookmark.

This is the 1st one that I started: Stumpy, also by Kersti.
This one I did twice, making 2 different lengths of 'stem.'
Since Friendster, where I usually post my tatting progress, says that I don't have enough disk space for any more photos. I'll put them here. All my latest!
Here is the silver snowflake that I made from Kreinik very fine silver braid.
Below is the same snowflake with the label of the thread visible .
I made some bookmarks for Nordic Needles literacy project. This is the last one that I started, Floral. Most of these are by Kersti. She has such lovely patterns.
This is the the completed bookmark.
This is the 1st one that I started: Stumpy, also by Kersti.
This one I did twice, making 2 different lengths of 'stem.'
Could have been a really crappy evening: One of my PMS symptoms showed yesterday (it's why I bought Creation in Death after work) and as a result I was trying to catch the 6:40 bus (last one). At 7 pm, it still hadn't arrived but two of my neighbors had. One of them had parked at the mall (bus at 7 pm goes there), so we all took the bus to the mall & she took us home. Thank goodness. Although, as we were turning into the complex, we saw what would have been our bus, pass us. I still didn't get home until almost 7:30 pm.
site of the day: Random acts of kindness
books: I finished Creation in Death at lunch today. Wow, it's good.
store of the day: blooming teas
tatting: didn't get anything done but finally got the pictures downloaded from my camera.

And finally, here is the pendant to my almost entry.
tv: Finally watched the end of Sky High. Since it's a Disney movie, Disney channel didn't edit it nearly as much as the last time that I tried to watch it (don't remember which channel). It's an enjoyable movie but it really seems like a 1980's film. Odd that.
To do:
site of the day: Random acts of kindness
books: I finished Creation in Death at lunch today. Wow, it's good.
store of the day: blooming teas
tatting: didn't get anything done but finally got the pictures downloaded from my camera.
And finally, here is the pendant to my almost entry.
tv: Finally watched the end of Sky High. Since it's a Disney movie, Disney channel didn't edit it nearly as much as the last time that I tried to watch it (don't remember which channel). It's an enjoyable movie but it really seems like a 1980's film. Odd that.
To do:
- laundry
- all LG characters ready
- plan what to pack
- clean up some
- ask about Regulator con (need to take 2.5 days vacation to go)
- tat snowflakes (aunts, parents, bro's family, co-workers)
- finish necklace
- write letters (1 down, 8 to go)
Monday, November 12, 2007
site of the day: Want to do a good deed for only a few seconds of time (depending on how fast your internet connection is)? Download a text file. Read the information given about why, it will explain better than I can.

Weekend trip: Drove the 3 hours to see my Mom, Aunt & Uncle. It should have been just over two hours but I didn't have the new & improved directions. And I took the wrong highway. Luckily, I saw a road that I recognized & it was pretty much one way at that point (the other way involved a security checkpoint & I knew I didn't need to go that way) so I took it. Of course, my aunt & uncle live at the other end of that road.
We worked on some mending for me and I altered a nightgown for mom (the sleeves were too wide & too long). I finally completed the credit card bag that I've had cut out for months (you cut up a credit card to make the bag closure). I used a scrap of the floral denim that I used for that jumper years ago and a scrap of quilted fabric from a panel Christmas tree skirt, also from years ago. Even though the bag was barely wide enough for the closure, it turned out very well. Mom & Aunt Shirley were very impressed with the idea. If you need to make a larger opening, you can cut the plastic from a bottle instead. The bag I made is almost long enough to hold my glasses which means that it's plenty long enough to hold a shuttle.
I made a haversack for Chris, his Christmas present. I just need to clean up some threads & to work on a closure for it. It's a very easy bag to make but I need to make adjustment if I ever make one again. I sewed the strap into place the length of the bag. Stress will not tear that strap off. There's an "x" at the bottom of the strap plus 3 lines of seam to hold the strap in place. Thanks to the length of the fabric, there's even an interior pocket, I doubled the fabric for the bottom, with a single width for the flap. Imagine: 60" X 18" fabric rectangle. Fold it lengthwise but double, about 2/3 or 4/5. Now fold the doubled fabric in half; that's the body of the bag. The single layer is the flap. Leaving the flap open, sew up the sides of the doubled fabric to make the bag.
After supper (frozen lasagna), I was wiped out so I took a 2 hour plus nap. I woke up in time to go to bed. Mom & I talked for a little while & then went to sleep.
On the way home on Sunday, I managed to miss a turn & went out of my way again. Luckily, as soon as I crossed into the wrong county I recognized that, stopped, pulled out a map & figured out how to get back on track. With all the detours, I had to put more gas in the car. The lowest that I saw was $3.089 a gallon. That's just ridiculous.
Chris ran a zero round on Saturday. He told me a little about it after I got home. He had received one of his belated birthday presents this weekend, too (it had been on back order).
I took a nap & then we watched one of his other birthday presents; Transformers DVD. That really is a good movie. It looks like they had planned to make the army guy the lead but then changed to the young guy. It's something you may not notice the first time that you see it. Friday night we watched another of his birthday presents; Ghost Rider DVD.
books: I finished Light in Shadow (not Light & Shadow) but I've started writing letters & have not had time for more reading (shocking, I know).
sight of the day: young man with the right half of his hair in an afro & the other half in small braids or twists, a la Coolio, but shorter. Either hairstyle is fine, together? Um, not so fine.
clothes: I started Saturday wearing a turtleneck but it was too warm in Aunt Shirley's basement, so I changed to a t-shirt. T-shirt & then turtleneck on Sunday, blue jeans both days. I wore tennis shoes when I went out but slippers the rest of the time. Butterfly earrings, flower fairy pendant, flower ring, ~rope ring, & a ponytail. Too bad the ponytail caused horrendous rats nests in my hair, right where the ponytail hit my shirt collar.
I really wished my mom would stop smoking. My hair reeks.
Today I'm wearing black shoes, jeans & belt, same watch & hematite ring, sage green rayon shirt (Mom fixed the cuff), triskele posts, triskele in triangle pendant, Celtic knot ring, black stone ring & loose hair (after I got the tangles out, I just didn't feel like doing anything else to it).
Weekend trip: Drove the 3 hours to see my Mom, Aunt & Uncle. It should have been just over two hours but I didn't have the new & improved directions. And I took the wrong highway. Luckily, I saw a road that I recognized & it was pretty much one way at that point (the other way involved a security checkpoint & I knew I didn't need to go that way) so I took it. Of course, my aunt & uncle live at the other end of that road.
We worked on some mending for me and I altered a nightgown for mom (the sleeves were too wide & too long). I finally completed the credit card bag that I've had cut out for months (you cut up a credit card to make the bag closure). I used a scrap of the floral denim that I used for that jumper years ago and a scrap of quilted fabric from a panel Christmas tree skirt, also from years ago. Even though the bag was barely wide enough for the closure, it turned out very well. Mom & Aunt Shirley were very impressed with the idea. If you need to make a larger opening, you can cut the plastic from a bottle instead. The bag I made is almost long enough to hold my glasses which means that it's plenty long enough to hold a shuttle.
I made a haversack for Chris, his Christmas present. I just need to clean up some threads & to work on a closure for it. It's a very easy bag to make but I need to make adjustment if I ever make one again. I sewed the strap into place the length of the bag. Stress will not tear that strap off. There's an "x" at the bottom of the strap plus 3 lines of seam to hold the strap in place. Thanks to the length of the fabric, there's even an interior pocket, I doubled the fabric for the bottom, with a single width for the flap. Imagine: 60" X 18" fabric rectangle. Fold it lengthwise but double, about 2/3 or 4/5. Now fold the doubled fabric in half; that's the body of the bag. The single layer is the flap. Leaving the flap open, sew up the sides of the doubled fabric to make the bag.
After supper (frozen lasagna), I was wiped out so I took a 2 hour plus nap. I woke up in time to go to bed. Mom & I talked for a little while & then went to sleep.
On the way home on Sunday, I managed to miss a turn & went out of my way again. Luckily, as soon as I crossed into the wrong county I recognized that, stopped, pulled out a map & figured out how to get back on track. With all the detours, I had to put more gas in the car. The lowest that I saw was $3.089 a gallon. That's just ridiculous.
Chris ran a zero round on Saturday. He told me a little about it after I got home. He had received one of his belated birthday presents this weekend, too (it had been on back order).
I took a nap & then we watched one of his other birthday presents; Transformers DVD. That really is a good movie. It looks like they had planned to make the army guy the lead but then changed to the young guy. It's something you may not notice the first time that you see it. Friday night we watched another of his birthday presents; Ghost Rider DVD.
books: I finished Light in Shadow (not Light & Shadow) but I've started writing letters & have not had time for more reading (shocking, I know).
sight of the day: young man with the right half of his hair in an afro & the other half in small braids or twists, a la Coolio, but shorter. Either hairstyle is fine, together? Um, not so fine.
clothes: I started Saturday wearing a turtleneck but it was too warm in Aunt Shirley's basement, so I changed to a t-shirt. T-shirt & then turtleneck on Sunday, blue jeans both days. I wore tennis shoes when I went out but slippers the rest of the time. Butterfly earrings, flower fairy pendant, flower ring, ~rope ring, & a ponytail. Too bad the ponytail caused horrendous rats nests in my hair, right where the ponytail hit my shirt collar.
I really wished my mom would stop smoking. My hair reeks.
Today I'm wearing black shoes, jeans & belt, same watch & hematite ring, sage green rayon shirt (Mom fixed the cuff), triskele posts, triskele in triangle pendant, Celtic knot ring, black stone ring & loose hair (after I got the tangles out, I just didn't feel like doing anything else to it).
Friday, November 09, 2007
Chris's back: The chiropractor gave Chris this brochure about everything that chiropractors can affect. Among other things, like cold feet (?), sinus problems were included. Giving it a shot, Chris told him about the mucus problem that he's had since 8th grade. The guy nodded, probed Chris's neck, found the key spot, then popped Chris's neck (very scary, this guy has your head in his hands & he's set up so that he can break your neck, why does no movie every use a chiropractor assassin?). By the time Chris had walked to the therapy room, his sinuses had started clearing.
Last night I helped him stretch. It was simple leg stretches. I remember doing those in fencing. That plus the ice packs twice a day are supposed to really help. So far, so good.
site of the day: Light a virtual candle for homeless youth in America
Gaming: Last night I went to a local game store to play the 2nd Blackmoor intro mod. I already had my character pretty much done, except for all of her equipment (Peshwah ne Dene am Brialta. Good thing, too. We were playing at a local gaming store, which I had been to before, I just hadn't driven there myself. Before I left work yesterday, I looked up directions on how to get there. It was easy, just 3 turns & the 1st one was a 'gimmee'.
I rushed home, ate a quick microwave meal, gathered my game stuff & my laptop, then headed out the door. Realizing as I made that 1st key turn, that I had forgotten to include a mini. At least I had dice. It's after dark but I remember that the 2nd turn was at a stoplight so I didn't have to read every street sign that I passed. I'm not sure exactly where I went, but I saw this one road at least 4 times. I finally managed to get back on the 1st road to look for that 2nd turn from the other direction when I see it. A sign saying "Archdale" to the left. That's the road I was looking for. But I need to turn right. Ahhhh, mapquest had not kept up. The road name had changed. Once I had that key info, I found the store pretty easily. I was only um, 15 to 30 minutes late. Luckily, everyone else (except Joe) were still in the process of making their characters. Mandy, the only other woman at the table, sympathized with me on the road thing. She had had the exact same experience the first time she had driven to the store.
Tatting: I got farther along on that variegated red bookmark. It's not easy gaming, taking notes & tatting & I fear that the tatting suffered. I did not get very far. This morning, on the bus, I managed to get another flower done. I think that puts me at halfway. I think.
Alas, after I stopped for my morning soda, as I reached to the door to my building, I could see in the reflection in the glass that my ball of thread was missing. I looked back, yes, I was trailing red thread. I backtracked & there's was the ball, happily unwinding as the pedestrian who'd (unknowingly, I hope) caught his foot in the thread was dragging it along. I grabbed the ball & started winding. Red heart thread is pretty but it has a %!*@# of a twist to it. I was worried about knotting it and just started winding the whole twisted mess onto the ball. First thing I did when I got to my desk (after taking off my coat & scarf of course) was untangle the ball & get it rewound. I had a considerable amount of thread to wind, alas.
new online thread source: Knitting warehouse
books: I dipped into re-reading part of Light & Shadow by Krentz. I was going to pack it & Thraxas (a loaned book as it's apparently out of print) for my workday read but forgot.
clothes: newly repaired shoes (okay, since Saturday, but that should still qualify as new), black jeans, same belt & watch, same hairstyle, same hematite band, ~rope band, Celtic knot ring, Celtic knot earrings, triangle pendant with triskele and burgundy turtleneck.
Last night I helped him stretch. It was simple leg stretches. I remember doing those in fencing. That plus the ice packs twice a day are supposed to really help. So far, so good.
site of the day: Light a virtual candle for homeless youth in America
Gaming: Last night I went to a local game store to play the 2nd Blackmoor intro mod. I already had my character pretty much done, except for all of her equipment (Peshwah ne Dene am Brialta. Good thing, too. We were playing at a local gaming store, which I had been to before, I just hadn't driven there myself. Before I left work yesterday, I looked up directions on how to get there. It was easy, just 3 turns & the 1st one was a 'gimmee'.
I rushed home, ate a quick microwave meal, gathered my game stuff & my laptop, then headed out the door. Realizing as I made that 1st key turn, that I had forgotten to include a mini. At least I had dice. It's after dark but I remember that the 2nd turn was at a stoplight so I didn't have to read every street sign that I passed. I'm not sure exactly where I went, but I saw this one road at least 4 times. I finally managed to get back on the 1st road to look for that 2nd turn from the other direction when I see it. A sign saying "Archdale" to the left. That's the road I was looking for. But I need to turn right. Ahhhh, mapquest had not kept up. The road name had changed. Once I had that key info, I found the store pretty easily. I was only um, 15 to 30 minutes late. Luckily, everyone else (except Joe) were still in the process of making their characters. Mandy, the only other woman at the table, sympathized with me on the road thing. She had had the exact same experience the first time she had driven to the store.
Tatting: I got farther along on that variegated red bookmark. It's not easy gaming, taking notes & tatting & I fear that the tatting suffered. I did not get very far. This morning, on the bus, I managed to get another flower done. I think that puts me at halfway. I think.
Alas, after I stopped for my morning soda, as I reached to the door to my building, I could see in the reflection in the glass that my ball of thread was missing. I looked back, yes, I was trailing red thread. I backtracked & there's was the ball, happily unwinding as the pedestrian who'd (unknowingly, I hope) caught his foot in the thread was dragging it along. I grabbed the ball & started winding. Red heart thread is pretty but it has a %!*@# of a twist to it. I was worried about knotting it and just started winding the whole twisted mess onto the ball. First thing I did when I got to my desk (after taking off my coat & scarf of course) was untangle the ball & get it rewound. I had a considerable amount of thread to wind, alas.
new online thread source: Knitting warehouse
books: I dipped into re-reading part of Light & Shadow by Krentz. I was going to pack it & Thraxas (a loaned book as it's apparently out of print) for my workday read but forgot.
clothes: newly repaired shoes (okay, since Saturday, but that should still qualify as new), black jeans, same belt & watch, same hairstyle, same hematite band, ~rope band, Celtic knot ring, Celtic knot earrings, triangle pendant with triskele and burgundy turtleneck.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Video of the day: Korean Freestyle Slalom roller blading; it starts slow but keep watching. Oh, sorry about the ads.
Site of the day: Hair Museum, in Independence, Missouri. This woman collects art & objects made or decorated with human hair.
tatting: I finished another bookmark or two. I also decided to include one that I made earlier. So now there are three red, white & blue bookmarks (2 different bookmark patterns), one variegated blue one & one multi-colored one. I have started a variegated red one, too.
dreams: I remember part of one from last night. We were vacationing at a beach resort, somewhere in the Caribbean. Coincidentally, someone that we know from RPGA was also there. We were hanging out & socializing when a wave of almost invisible spirits came sweeping through/past. Everyone could see them and gabbled, trying to figure out what it meant. Then someone looked out the window at where they had come from. Offhshore was this dark, looming, oncoming tornado. There were no cellars, so everyone huddled down together. We put towels and other things over our heads & backs to try & protect them from flying debris.
There was some delay. The storm just paused. It was still there but it was no longer oncoming, as everyone panicked and ran about. Someone got everybody to calm down & we started partying, singing & enjoying ourselves. Immediately the storm started advancing again. It was like it had some sentience & as long as we suffered, it was, not exactly satisfied. Perhaps, savoring?
It swept over us. The eye came over us exactly. It was very fast & I was surprised by how little it seemed to affect us. We weren't pulled up, we barely even swayed. We stayed in place as the eye quickly encompassed us & then passed. After the storm, we looked up and the place was trashed, but still standing.
books: I finished The Way to Glory at lunch. What shall I read next? Shall I re-read something, check my TBR pile or what?
tv: Chris made me watch the last 2 episodes of Coupling (season 3 episode 2 & 3, I think) last night; thank you BBC On Demand (last 4 shows, for free). It's the British version of Friends. Sort of. All I can say is that my utter lack of being able to breathe was all his fault. I was laughing so hard, I literally could not breathe. And since he insisted that I should watch those two episodes; it's all his fault. We started to watch Criminal Minds after that but I just wasn't up to it. I went off to bed & read before going to sleep.
clothes: same shoes, belt, watch & hematite band. Black jeans, paui shell pendant & ring, teal turtleneck (that has some faint purple overdyed splotches, ie laundry accident), multi-color scarf/shawl, & hair twisted up being held by my new hair clip (Bronze Jeweler). It's not a full bun, just a twist to kind of shorten the ponytail.
Site of the day: Hair Museum, in Independence, Missouri. This woman collects art & objects made or decorated with human hair.
tatting: I finished another bookmark or two. I also decided to include one that I made earlier. So now there are three red, white & blue bookmarks (2 different bookmark patterns), one variegated blue one & one multi-colored one. I have started a variegated red one, too.
dreams: I remember part of one from last night. We were vacationing at a beach resort, somewhere in the Caribbean. Coincidentally, someone that we know from RPGA was also there. We were hanging out & socializing when a wave of almost invisible spirits came sweeping through/past. Everyone could see them and gabbled, trying to figure out what it meant. Then someone looked out the window at where they had come from. Offhshore was this dark, looming, oncoming tornado. There were no cellars, so everyone huddled down together. We put towels and other things over our heads & backs to try & protect them from flying debris.
There was some delay. The storm just paused. It was still there but it was no longer oncoming, as everyone panicked and ran about. Someone got everybody to calm down & we started partying, singing & enjoying ourselves. Immediately the storm started advancing again. It was like it had some sentience & as long as we suffered, it was, not exactly satisfied. Perhaps, savoring?
It swept over us. The eye came over us exactly. It was very fast & I was surprised by how little it seemed to affect us. We weren't pulled up, we barely even swayed. We stayed in place as the eye quickly encompassed us & then passed. After the storm, we looked up and the place was trashed, but still standing.
books: I finished The Way to Glory at lunch. What shall I read next? Shall I re-read something, check my TBR pile or what?
tv: Chris made me watch the last 2 episodes of Coupling (season 3 episode 2 & 3, I think) last night; thank you BBC On Demand (last 4 shows, for free). It's the British version of Friends. Sort of. All I can say is that my utter lack of being able to breathe was all his fault. I was laughing so hard, I literally could not breathe. And since he insisted that I should watch those two episodes; it's all his fault. We started to watch Criminal Minds after that but I just wasn't up to it. I went off to bed & read before going to sleep.
clothes: same shoes, belt, watch & hematite band. Black jeans, paui shell pendant & ring, teal turtleneck (that has some faint purple overdyed splotches, ie laundry accident), multi-color scarf/shawl, & hair twisted up being held by my new hair clip (Bronze Jeweler). It's not a full bun, just a twist to kind of shorten the ponytail.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
It's winter. We barely had autumn & it's winter already. I'm basing this on the fact that it hit below freezing this morning. Bah!
tatting: I finished one bookmark, with a delay. I missed the last join so I opened the ring (whee, finally managed it). I had to quasi-cheat to do it. I unloaded the shuttle & ran the thread through the last 5 knots to get the ring open. Then, when I was about to resume, I'd lost my shuttle. I was worried about the hook getting caught in the couch fabric, so I laid it aside, then couldn't find it. I found it this morning, it had fallen from where I'd placed it. I then did the join & the last 5 knots of the ring & the short chain to finish the bookmark. All it needs is a tassel. On the way in to work I started another bookmark, also by Kersti. I need to remember to send her a photo of each when I'm done.
books: I finished I'm the Vampire That's Why as I got home last night. I dipped into re-reading Sinful (anthology) & finished re-reading (partially) Paladin of Souls. I brought Way to Glory with me to work but tatted all the way.
tv: I watched part of Modern Marvels: Cotton & wished that I'd seen more. After that, I turned to BBC America & watched Torchwood & Doctor Who. Dr Who was part 2 so I was really glad to catch it.
clothes: black suede shoes, black jeans, same belt & watch, bright pink textured turtleneck, grey corduroy vest, silver ~rope band, hematite band, purplish/pink & blue earrings & big honking necklace. The pendant is literally longer than any one of my fingers & shaped like a truncated triangle with 3 slash marks through it (at an angle). My hair is in a ponytail because I just haven't wanted to bother. I pulled out one of my heavy jackets today, the reversible denim one, & a scarf.
tatting: I finished one bookmark, with a delay. I missed the last join so I opened the ring (whee, finally managed it). I had to quasi-cheat to do it. I unloaded the shuttle & ran the thread through the last 5 knots to get the ring open. Then, when I was about to resume, I'd lost my shuttle. I was worried about the hook getting caught in the couch fabric, so I laid it aside, then couldn't find it. I found it this morning, it had fallen from where I'd placed it. I then did the join & the last 5 knots of the ring & the short chain to finish the bookmark. All it needs is a tassel. On the way in to work I started another bookmark, also by Kersti. I need to remember to send her a photo of each when I'm done.
books: I finished I'm the Vampire That's Why as I got home last night. I dipped into re-reading Sinful (anthology) & finished re-reading (partially) Paladin of Souls. I brought Way to Glory with me to work but tatted all the way.
tv: I watched part of Modern Marvels: Cotton & wished that I'd seen more. After that, I turned to BBC America & watched Torchwood & Doctor Who. Dr Who was part 2 so I was really glad to catch it.
clothes: black suede shoes, black jeans, same belt & watch, bright pink textured turtleneck, grey corduroy vest, silver ~rope band, hematite band, purplish/pink & blue earrings & big honking necklace. The pendant is literally longer than any one of my fingers & shaped like a truncated triangle with 3 slash marks through it (at an angle). My hair is in a ponytail because I just haven't wanted to bother. I pulled out one of my heavy jackets today, the reversible denim one, & a scarf.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Once again, I have a little bit of a headache by the end of the day. I think I've been staring at the computer screen too long again. Or it could be because of the cold front moving into the area.
gaming: We spent part of last night's game trying to track down William Talbot, the city hangman (part-time employee). He's taken care of all 30 of the town's executions, over the past 750 years. Last session we found his death record, about 380 years previous. Last night, we looked around his house & yes, there are signs that he's there, as undead, probably a ghost. Too bad when we went back after dark we found signs that someone had raided his garden. That's bad enough, but the cabbage that they stole was a toxic variety (Chris made it up). We spent the rest of the night talking (telling David R) about our Legend of the 5 Rings game. It was fun.
I finished the first story of my Tradewinds 2 game. It's a computer game & sort of fun. Not 'I can't wait to do that again', more like 'hey, I enjoyed that, I think I'll play it some more'.
tatting: My necklace is almost finished. I need to do the findings and the pendant. So I started another bookmark for Nordic Needles. I'm using one of Kersti's patterns, flora size 50 in multi red, white & blue.
books: I'm re-reading I'm the Vampire That's Why. I really needed something happy to read this morning. I have some credit at the local bookstore & I picked up The Way To Glory by Drake.
clothes: same shoes, watch, hematite ring & belt. Otherwise, black slacks, Celtic knot earrings, ring & triangle/Triskele pendant, hash mark ring, new burgundy Jamestown 400th polo shirt, & hair in a ponytail/bun held by new hair clip.
gaming: We spent part of last night's game trying to track down William Talbot, the city hangman (part-time employee). He's taken care of all 30 of the town's executions, over the past 750 years. Last session we found his death record, about 380 years previous. Last night, we looked around his house & yes, there are signs that he's there, as undead, probably a ghost. Too bad when we went back after dark we found signs that someone had raided his garden. That's bad enough, but the cabbage that they stole was a toxic variety (Chris made it up). We spent the rest of the night talking (telling David R) about our Legend of the 5 Rings game. It was fun.
I finished the first story of my Tradewinds 2 game. It's a computer game & sort of fun. Not 'I can't wait to do that again', more like 'hey, I enjoyed that, I think I'll play it some more'.
tatting: My necklace is almost finished. I need to do the findings and the pendant. So I started another bookmark for Nordic Needles. I'm using one of Kersti's patterns, flora size 50 in multi red, white & blue.
books: I'm re-reading I'm the Vampire That's Why. I really needed something happy to read this morning. I have some credit at the local bookstore & I picked up The Way To Glory by Drake.
clothes: same shoes, watch, hematite ring & belt. Otherwise, black slacks, Celtic knot earrings, ring & triangle/Triskele pendant, hash mark ring, new burgundy Jamestown 400th polo shirt, & hair in a ponytail/bun held by new hair clip.
Monday, November 05, 2007
site of the day: Lucy Monroe, romance author. I've read a few of her single (as opposed to Temptation, etc titles) & I've enjoyed them. Here's a video trailer of her latest book:
Ren Festival: Well, we arrived about an hour later than we'd planned but we did get really good parking. Rosemary remembered her walking stick so her leg didn't give her as many problems. Her leg is getting worse though.
We watched the Art of Falconry and boy that's an interesting show. I came in half-way through the Redtail Hawk (I went & fetched some lunch). Igor, the black vulture, and the Lannae (?) Falcon (it's related to the Peregrine Falcom) were great. And since all the birds were less than fully co-operative, the falconer filled the time with interesting tidbits of information. For example, according to the latest DNA studies, Igor is more closely related to the stork than to other birds of prey. Looking at him walk, it's quite clear to see.
I bought a new black belt, from Bald Mountain Leather, to replace the one that I broke. This one is wider & heavier with a heavier buckle but both leather & buckle have Celtic knotwork. I'm trying to wear the belt a lot in order to soften it up. I was sorry to learn that they are retiring about 30-some years of Ren'ing.
I didn't have quite enough money for a new bodice but Chris loaned me the difference. So, I bought a new, fabric bodice from Ophelia's Fynery. Rosemary bought the Juliet chemise in a gorgeous blue washable silk. My bodice is a reversible brocade/black one with a triangular panel.
I watched part of the belly dancers performance & then we all watched the Manolete' with Gypsy Boleadoras and fire cords, etc. I think I got some good photo's of what he did. We missed Dextre Trippe, except what we could see from Fellowship Foundries. I bought a rune pendant & Rosemary bought a necklace, too. I picked up a new hair clip from Bronze Jewelers. This one appears to have oak leaves & acorns on it. Chris bought two of the latest prints from Ruth Thompson. I also bought some scented candles, they're votives & they're supposed to last 8-10 hours each. We'll see.
All in all, we had a good day. Although Rosemary decided against buying anything from Pearl's Revenge. The head clerk, while working with a difficult customer, reached over Rosemary's head & flipped shirts in her face. Without even an 'excuse me' or an apology. Rosemary thought about selecting what she had been planning to buy, taking it to the counter & telling her 'this is what I was going to get. But due to your actions, I'm not.' But the clerk in question was still occupied and Rosemary didn't want to take it out on the younger clerk on the register, who had been helpful.
Gaming: Yesterday was Rosemary's game. We finished off the fight, finally. We were doing pretty good, considering that we were fighting the avatar of the god of murder. He did kill 5 of the Purple Dragon guards, alas. But Midnight did something deific and sealed him in an amber shell. We don't know how long it will last so we booked it out of the castle. The Lord of High Horn offered to make any of us members of his personal guard of the Purple Dragons. Guess who took him up on it? That's right, the half-drow cleric/fighter. Amber will never take the prestige class (for one thing, she's chaotic) but she rides openly as a half-drow now. That Purple Dragon tunic, sword, helmet & other accoutrement really catches the eye. In addition, she keeps the writ that the Lord wrote, vouching for her by specific description, close at hand.
My stomach's bothering me again. I don't know why. It's more drawn out than the usual issues I have. Also less painful. Just as annoying.
books: I read Princess of Wands & then loaned it to Chris. it's so refreshing to see a fantasy in which the heroine is strongly, devoutly Christian without being either preachy or Bible Thumper. She tries to Witness by example, by being the best person she can be. I find that quite admirable. While I don't agree with her on some matters, I respect the depth of her faith & feelings.
Today I finished re-reading Blame It On Cupid (must remember to write author).
clothes: Saturday it was bright mottled blue t-shirt with fancy bird & quasi-Chinese knotwork, blue jeans, tennis shoes, lapis earrings, silver chain with paui shell pendant & lapis ring. I kept my hair braided due to the wind, but used one of my Bronze Jeweler clips at the top of the braid.
Sunday I wore dark night sky & woman t-shirt, blue jeans, loafers, flannel shirt, feather & quartz chip earrings, rune pendant (black cord), & same hairstyle.
Today it's my newly mended black ankle boot/shoes (we picked them up on Saturday before we left, not cheap but worth it), black jeans, new black belt, clip watch (again), onyx earrings, dark sage green rayon shirt embroidered with leaves & flowers on the chest, labradorite pendant, black stone ring paired with ~rope band & hematite ring. I was wearing my hair up with 2 chopsticks but I started getting a headache.
Ren Festival: Well, we arrived about an hour later than we'd planned but we did get really good parking. Rosemary remembered her walking stick so her leg didn't give her as many problems. Her leg is getting worse though.
We watched the Art of Falconry and boy that's an interesting show. I came in half-way through the Redtail Hawk (I went & fetched some lunch). Igor, the black vulture, and the Lannae (?) Falcon (it's related to the Peregrine Falcom) were great. And since all the birds were less than fully co-operative, the falconer filled the time with interesting tidbits of information. For example, according to the latest DNA studies, Igor is more closely related to the stork than to other birds of prey. Looking at him walk, it's quite clear to see.
I bought a new black belt, from Bald Mountain Leather, to replace the one that I broke. This one is wider & heavier with a heavier buckle but both leather & buckle have Celtic knotwork. I'm trying to wear the belt a lot in order to soften it up. I was sorry to learn that they are retiring about 30-some years of Ren'ing.
I didn't have quite enough money for a new bodice but Chris loaned me the difference. So, I bought a new, fabric bodice from Ophelia's Fynery. Rosemary bought the Juliet chemise in a gorgeous blue washable silk. My bodice is a reversible brocade/black one with a triangular panel.
I watched part of the belly dancers performance & then we all watched the Manolete' with Gypsy Boleadoras and fire cords, etc. I think I got some good photo's of what he did. We missed Dextre Trippe, except what we could see from Fellowship Foundries. I bought a rune pendant & Rosemary bought a necklace, too. I picked up a new hair clip from Bronze Jewelers. This one appears to have oak leaves & acorns on it. Chris bought two of the latest prints from Ruth Thompson. I also bought some scented candles, they're votives & they're supposed to last 8-10 hours each. We'll see.
All in all, we had a good day. Although Rosemary decided against buying anything from Pearl's Revenge. The head clerk, while working with a difficult customer, reached over Rosemary's head & flipped shirts in her face. Without even an 'excuse me' or an apology. Rosemary thought about selecting what she had been planning to buy, taking it to the counter & telling her 'this is what I was going to get. But due to your actions, I'm not.' But the clerk in question was still occupied and Rosemary didn't want to take it out on the younger clerk on the register, who had been helpful.
Gaming: Yesterday was Rosemary's game. We finished off the fight, finally. We were doing pretty good, considering that we were fighting the avatar of the god of murder. He did kill 5 of the Purple Dragon guards, alas. But Midnight did something deific and sealed him in an amber shell. We don't know how long it will last so we booked it out of the castle. The Lord of High Horn offered to make any of us members of his personal guard of the Purple Dragons. Guess who took him up on it? That's right, the half-drow cleric/fighter. Amber will never take the prestige class (for one thing, she's chaotic) but she rides openly as a half-drow now. That Purple Dragon tunic, sword, helmet & other accoutrement really catches the eye. In addition, she keeps the writ that the Lord wrote, vouching for her by specific description, close at hand.
My stomach's bothering me again. I don't know why. It's more drawn out than the usual issues I have. Also less painful. Just as annoying.
books: I read Princess of Wands & then loaned it to Chris. it's so refreshing to see a fantasy in which the heroine is strongly, devoutly Christian without being either preachy or Bible Thumper. She tries to Witness by example, by being the best person she can be. I find that quite admirable. While I don't agree with her on some matters, I respect the depth of her faith & feelings.
Today I finished re-reading Blame It On Cupid (must remember to write author).
clothes: Saturday it was bright mottled blue t-shirt with fancy bird & quasi-Chinese knotwork, blue jeans, tennis shoes, lapis earrings, silver chain with paui shell pendant & lapis ring. I kept my hair braided due to the wind, but used one of my Bronze Jeweler clips at the top of the braid.
Sunday I wore dark night sky & woman t-shirt, blue jeans, loafers, flannel shirt, feather & quartz chip earrings, rune pendant (black cord), & same hairstyle.
Today it's my newly mended black ankle boot/shoes (we picked them up on Saturday before we left, not cheap but worth it), black jeans, new black belt, clip watch (again), onyx earrings, dark sage green rayon shirt embroidered with leaves & flowers on the chest, labradorite pendant, black stone ring paired with ~rope band & hematite ring. I was wearing my hair up with 2 chopsticks but I started getting a headache.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Tomorrow we're going to the Renaissance Festival. That means lots of walking & lots of shopping Whee!
Chris & I went to lunch at Top of the Hill today. It was 'eh.' Usually they're better so we feel a little let down.
OTOH, Chris found my shuttle holsters that I thought that I had lost at the Yorktown battleground! Yay!
Chris & I went to lunch at Top of the Hill today. It was 'eh.' Usually they're better so we feel a little let down.
OTOH, Chris found my shuttle holsters that I thought that I had lost at the Yorktown battleground! Yay!
The day after All Saints Day: another typical day. I woke up late, rushed through my morning ablutions, made sure that I had my bus pass & id card as I walked out the door, and turned on my mini-iPod as I headed for the bus stop. I was running late, so I turned my music to the Wake Up playlist (mostly high energy songs) and Eternal Flame came on. I decided that wasn't upbeat enough & hit next. Redneck Woman came on & that got me hustling to the stop. Caught the bus & read on the way into work. My current tatting (until I get beyond the pause in my necklace) is too sensitive to try on the bus. I have to really watch my tension when working with metallic & nylon filaments.
The bus dropped me off very close to work. I waved to the guy in the copy center (we have the same director), actually I made a face at him until he looked up & waved back. Pausing by the paper rack, I picked up 4 of the campus papers; one for me & three for whoever else in the office wants one. Diving into the Pit Stop, I bought my usual 4 Sunbelt granola bars (one Oat N' Honey, one chocolate chip, one fudge dipped coconut & one fudge dipped chocolate chip) & my Diet Pepsi Max (it used to be whatever diet vanilla soda they had but the companies stopped producing them). The lines for the registers in the Pit Stop were long so I went to a register in the main part of the store. The cashier looked mildly bored, so I gave him something to do. I gave exact change, grabbed my receipt & off to my building.
I waved hi to Tabitha as I came in, dodging tables. Down the stairs & swipe my id card to unlock my office door. The lights were already on, so I put down my bag, noting that I had a voice mail message waiting, laid the newspapers out, grabbed the leftover paper from yesterday & headed down the hall to turn on the other lights. I called hi to the other people who'd already arrived & put the old newspapers in the recycling before grabbing a bottle of water from the tiny office refrigerator (we have a water cooler but I'm bad about remembering to drink, so I refill my soda bottles with water & put them in the fridge until I'm ready for them). I hang up my jacket & sweater in the closet & return to my desk to turn on my computer.
That's the start of my day.
Music: Morning commute today started with Redneck Woman, followed by Mony, Mony, at which time the bus came. Over the sound of the engines I could barely hear Backdoor Lover, White Wedding, Hey Good Looking, Everything Hurts, and then I could hear Candyall Beat Remix as I disembarked. Rock Around the Clock took me into my office.
books: I read vol 5 of Fruits Basket this morning. I don't know what I'm going to read next.
gaming: Last night was a meatgrinder. Our characters earned & used Hero Points like mad. It was 9 or 10 rounds of nothing but combat. Okay, very little besides combat. We ended last session with fiery demons emerging from the chest of the villainous, mystically-powered robot. Last night we fought them as we tried to close the gate. Rosemary's character, Lady Celtic, finally figured out how to do it. We have to find the chief bad guy's, Eyekiller's, fetish, where he keeps his soul & destroy it. Among other things, Totem got turned into a pigeon (but still helped by using her acrobatic bluff a couple times to redirect Eyekiller's attack onto his own demons) and Lady Celtic was transformed into a cat. Since she could still think, she continued to work on the gate shut down. Once she figured it out, she used her transform power to become a monkey. Now able to make gestures, she regained her magic and used to heal Momento Mori & wake him up.
When we left off, Totem had figured out that the best person to get the fetish was either Wraith, who's out of duplicates until he can make some more, or her heir, Jason. His patron/totem is Anubis/Coyote so he has an affinity for realms of the dead & trickery. Alas, Totem saw no way to get a message to Jason or to summon him. I may be using a hero point for that.
clothes: black jeans, socks, suede shoes & polo (Geoff); hematite band & earrings (silver hook, silver bead, square hematite? bead, silver bead, larger hematite sphere), braided silver ring & both match bangles, labradorite pendant (mostly hidden by collar) & my hair in a ponytail, using one of the clasps from Bronze Jewellers.
The bus dropped me off very close to work. I waved to the guy in the copy center (we have the same director), actually I made a face at him until he looked up & waved back. Pausing by the paper rack, I picked up 4 of the campus papers; one for me & three for whoever else in the office wants one. Diving into the Pit Stop, I bought my usual 4 Sunbelt granola bars (one Oat N' Honey, one chocolate chip, one fudge dipped coconut & one fudge dipped chocolate chip) & my Diet Pepsi Max (it used to be whatever diet vanilla soda they had but the companies stopped producing them). The lines for the registers in the Pit Stop were long so I went to a register in the main part of the store. The cashier looked mildly bored, so I gave him something to do. I gave exact change, grabbed my receipt & off to my building.
I waved hi to Tabitha as I came in, dodging tables. Down the stairs & swipe my id card to unlock my office door. The lights were already on, so I put down my bag, noting that I had a voice mail message waiting, laid the newspapers out, grabbed the leftover paper from yesterday & headed down the hall to turn on the other lights. I called hi to the other people who'd already arrived & put the old newspapers in the recycling before grabbing a bottle of water from the tiny office refrigerator (we have a water cooler but I'm bad about remembering to drink, so I refill my soda bottles with water & put them in the fridge until I'm ready for them). I hang up my jacket & sweater in the closet & return to my desk to turn on my computer.
That's the start of my day.
Music: Morning commute today started with Redneck Woman, followed by Mony, Mony, at which time the bus came. Over the sound of the engines I could barely hear Backdoor Lover, White Wedding, Hey Good Looking, Everything Hurts, and then I could hear Candyall Beat Remix as I disembarked. Rock Around the Clock took me into my office.
books: I read vol 5 of Fruits Basket this morning. I don't know what I'm going to read next.
gaming: Last night was a meatgrinder. Our characters earned & used Hero Points like mad. It was 9 or 10 rounds of nothing but combat. Okay, very little besides combat. We ended last session with fiery demons emerging from the chest of the villainous, mystically-powered robot. Last night we fought them as we tried to close the gate. Rosemary's character, Lady Celtic, finally figured out how to do it. We have to find the chief bad guy's, Eyekiller's, fetish, where he keeps his soul & destroy it. Among other things, Totem got turned into a pigeon (but still helped by using her acrobatic bluff a couple times to redirect Eyekiller's attack onto his own demons) and Lady Celtic was transformed into a cat. Since she could still think, she continued to work on the gate shut down. Once she figured it out, she used her transform power to become a monkey. Now able to make gestures, she regained her magic and used to heal Momento Mori & wake him up.
When we left off, Totem had figured out that the best person to get the fetish was either Wraith, who's out of duplicates until he can make some more, or her heir, Jason. His patron/totem is Anubis/Coyote so he has an affinity for realms of the dead & trickery. Alas, Totem saw no way to get a message to Jason or to summon him. I may be using a hero point for that.
clothes: black jeans, socks, suede shoes & polo (Geoff); hematite band & earrings (silver hook, silver bead, square hematite? bead, silver bead, larger hematite sphere), braided silver ring & both match bangles, labradorite pendant (mostly hidden by collar) & my hair in a ponytail, using one of the clasps from Bronze Jewellers.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Only a half-dozen trick-or-treaters came by last night. At least they were all in costume. We had one purple-haired witch, a Power Ranger, the movie killer from Scream, dark Spiderman & a couple others that I was unable to identify. I wore my Colonial outfit so I wasn't too lame. And yes, we have candy left over.
sites of the day: t-shirts; cool, weird ones and be a better bat for Halloween (or any costumed event)
tv: I was tired, so I went to bed before the end of Criminal Minds. Bones (Tuesday, I think) was good, though. It was a re-run but I hadn't seen it.
They changed vacation policies where Chris works so he has a lot of vacation to burn. He's taking today & tomorrow off work. He's finally going to see a doctor. Maybe the doctor can help with his breathing, his snoring has gotten worse & sometimes it sounds like he stops breathing in the night.
pictures: I've started a Flickr account.
books: I've almost finished a new anthology, Dead of Night. I've read all but the last story. I'm starting to read The Gangs of Chicago. This is a republication of a 1940 book, but it may help with my vignette/story of Short Fix in prohibition Chicago. It's not even a 'canon' story, it's more of a what-if. In some ways, Shadowrun Seattle has a lot in common with 1930's Chicago & I thought it was interesting for someone so historically ignorant (if it's not a car & not poetry & it's pre-2040, SF doesn't know anything about it) to try & adjust. On the way to work I read Ba.Ku, a volume with a couple of manga novellas. It has two stories, both only a few chapters.
tatting: a little farther on the necklace. I finally posted the wheelbarrow, etc on my friendster blog.
gaming: Mutants & Masterminds tonight. We're almost done with Totem's (my character) storyline. I found a great present for David, I hope. It's a book of 500 comic book villains. That should give him some ideas; many of which will be lame. But some should be good. Note from last game session; do not mention to the perennially smart-mouthed that ancient Egyptians wore kilts. That led to a whole sidetrack of the O'Siris's & McRas.
clothes: undyed linen blouse, khaki slacks, quilted & printed brown/teal/red/beige/green bolero vest, brown belt, navy socks & dark brown suede loafers that need some more stretching. They are little tight on the achilles tendon. I'm wearing amber earrings & multi-colored amber bracelet, red stone ring & simple silver chain. My hair is loose because I just don't feel like dealing with it.
sites of the day: t-shirts; cool, weird ones and be a better bat for Halloween (or any costumed event)
tv: I was tired, so I went to bed before the end of Criminal Minds. Bones (Tuesday, I think) was good, though. It was a re-run but I hadn't seen it.
They changed vacation policies where Chris works so he has a lot of vacation to burn. He's taking today & tomorrow off work. He's finally going to see a doctor. Maybe the doctor can help with his breathing, his snoring has gotten worse & sometimes it sounds like he stops breathing in the night.
pictures: I've started a Flickr account.
books: I've almost finished a new anthology, Dead of Night. I've read all but the last story. I'm starting to read The Gangs of Chicago. This is a republication of a 1940 book, but it may help with my vignette/story of Short Fix in prohibition Chicago. It's not even a 'canon' story, it's more of a what-if. In some ways, Shadowrun Seattle has a lot in common with 1930's Chicago & I thought it was interesting for someone so historically ignorant (if it's not a car & not poetry & it's pre-2040, SF doesn't know anything about it) to try & adjust. On the way to work I read Ba.Ku, a volume with a couple of manga novellas. It has two stories, both only a few chapters.
tatting: a little farther on the necklace. I finally posted the wheelbarrow, etc on my friendster blog.
gaming: Mutants & Masterminds tonight. We're almost done with Totem's (my character) storyline. I found a great present for David, I hope. It's a book of 500 comic book villains. That should give him some ideas; many of which will be lame. But some should be good. Note from last game session; do not mention to the perennially smart-mouthed that ancient Egyptians wore kilts. That led to a whole sidetrack of the O'Siris's & McRas.
clothes: undyed linen blouse, khaki slacks, quilted & printed brown/teal/red/beige/green bolero vest, brown belt, navy socks & dark brown suede loafers that need some more stretching. They are little tight on the achilles tendon. I'm wearing amber earrings & multi-colored amber bracelet, red stone ring & simple silver chain. My hair is loose because I just don't feel like dealing with it.
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