Tuesday, August 15, 2017

RPGaday2017 day 15

#RPGaday2017 day 15
Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most?

Are we talking house rules? Or are we talking taking a set of rules and applying them to a new setting or new genre?

Frankly, with all the games I want to play as they are written, I don't have time to adapt any RPGs.  I think the closest I came to 'adapting' a game was a FATE game; and well, literally written to be adapted to different settings/genres.

Years ago, we used DandD 3.5 combat in a Chivalry and Sorcery game, but that's the only time I distinctly recall adapting a game. I'm writing this early, so maybe one will occur to me before I post. If that line remains unchanged, I didn't think of any.

Oh wait, no, I guess ADandD is the one I've adapted the most. We house-ruled so much; from how you generated stats, to dumping racial-based class limits. 

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