Wednesday, August 16, 2017

RPGaday2017 day 16

#RPGaday2017 day 16
Which RPG do you enjoy using as is?

I'll limit my answer to games I've actually played or run. The next question; are we talking rules or background setting?

I run and play most of my games as is. I've made some minor changes setting/background to some of them; in my early Shadowrun days, it was rare but you could goblinize as a dwarf or elf. And my co-gm in my 1st game added 'rank' and 'level' to contacts; how important are they within their community and how close is the relationship. But we kept the actual game mechanics as is.

 I guess my answer is Dresden Files. The system is already flexible enough to handle table-level fine-tuning, thanks to aspects. And the setting is rich enough, with enough 'empty' places aka not where the books are set, to fine tune that part, too.

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